The world's deepest secret leads back to the first known civilization, to Sumer in Mesopotamia. It was situated between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. In biblical time it was known as Chaldea. Today it is Iraq.
Sumerian culture seemed to appear from nowhere more than 6,000 years ago and strangely vanished after 2,000 years. Only around 1843 did archeologists dIg out strange mounds dotting the countryside of southern Iraq. There were buried cities, broken palaces, artifacts and thousands of clay tablets detailing every part of Sumerian life. One discovery was that of Sargon II's palace. The tablets were etched in cuneiform and as translation of the the tablets were made it revealed how much we owe our geometry, modern time-keeping (base-60 mathematical system) and modern zodiac to Sumerian origin or creation. They also charted out the Earth's 12 months orbit of the Sun and the great processional cycle now known as the Plutonian Year which takes 25,920 years to complete.
Scientists questionned how could a civilization of 2,000 years possibly had observed and recorded celestial cycle that took 25,920 years to complete.
From translation of the tablets, inscribed seals etc. the answer was simply - everything they achieved came from their gods whom they called Anunnaki which means "those who came to Earth from heaven". Accordingly, they could also soar heavenwards at will. (Ref: Zecharia Sitchin) Sitchin is a researcher of ancient civilization and biblical archaeologist. He is Russian and is educated in Palestine and London. Sitchin's explanation was never given credibility then. However, based on his translation, many authors now have more detailed understanding of the Anunnakis. (Ref: Code of Hammurabbi unearthed in 1902).
When the Semites entered Mesopotamia, The Sumerians were long gone. It is said that when the Semites adopted cuneiform system, they also borrowed many Sumerian stories but changed the "mythological" accounts to fit their own religious system. The most famous stories are the Creation Story and the Epic of Gilgamesh (A Great Flood). Gilgamesh was a powerful Sumerian king. If we take the Sumerian Creation Story at face value, it goes like this:
About 4 billion years ago, planet Nibiru, entered our system just missing a larger planet Tiamat, which cracked due to gravitational stresses. Nibiru was depicted as the 12th planet of our solar system and was about 3 times the size of Earth. US scientists have been theorizing the existence of a 10th planet beyond Pluto based on sightings and studies of irregularities in the orbit of Pluto indicating an additional solar body. Amazingly, the Sumerians counted the Sun and Moon as planets. More amazingly, at the time they were just developing their writing, they had accurately described and diagramed the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto when these planets cannot be seen without the aid of a telescope. Uranus became known to modern man only in 1781, Pluto in 1930 and Neptune in 1946.

At a subsequent pass by Nibiru, Tiamat was struck and then bombarded by Nibiru's moon. Fragments of Tiamat that remained in it's original orbit became the asteroid belt. The other half of Tiamat was knocked into a new orbit nearer to the Sun. Over time it coalesced into Earth accompanied by one of Nibiru's moon (Kingu) and became our moon.
This somewhat explains why Earth is missing much of it's crust in the Pacific Ocean, the origin of the asteroid belt and the comets. The collission of the two planets caused many tons of seawater to be thrown into space. Sumerians called this "mingling of waters" and along with dirt and debries they became erratic flying balls of "dirty" ice.

The concept was strengthen by the discovery of meteorites in Antarctica containing same gases known to make up atmosphere of Mars as well as the discovery by NASA in 1996 of what looked like remains of micro organisms in a Martian meteorite thought to be 4 Billion years old!
Nibiru crossed the solar system between Mars and Jupiter and followed an elliptical orbit and was often symbolised as a "winged disc". While life on Earth is based on 1 year orbit around the Sun, on Nibiru an orbit round the Sun is equivalent to 3,600 years to Earthlings.
During Earth's 2nd Ice Age, 450,000 years ago, the people of Nibiru - the Anunnaki of Sumerian texts, landed on Earth when Earth and Nibiru were at proximity. Initial landings were on water as the US astronauts fist did. They found Mesopotamia as most suitable for a base camp compared to the Indus and Nile valleys for the easy access to fossil fuel. So began a systemic colonization of Earth. Their leaders assumed the role of "gods" or Nefilim which the Old Testament translated as "giants". The original meaning is "Those Who Were Cast Down". The Holman Bible Dictionary defines it (Nephilim) as "ancient heroes who are products of sexual union of heavenly beings and human women".
The marshes were drained. irrigation system were built and canals were built to link the Tigris and Euphrates, something the Sumerians became well known for.
A thousand years of earthtime was only a few years to the Anunnakis............