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Monday, December 26, 2005

Mongols In The Nusantara

Today I am thinking of events nearer to home associated with the Mongols....

When the Kediri Kingdom fell in 1222, Singosari became the new powerhouse in Java. In 1286, Prince Kertanegara, son of Vishnuvardhana, became king. He was well aware of the Mongol threat and reckoned that a united "Nusantara" was one way of facing the threat.

AS usual, Kublai Khan had sent a deligation to Kertanegara requesting acceptance of Mongol lordship. However, as the Mongols had just lost in Japan,Tongking and Champa, in 1289, Kertanagara siezed the Mongol delegates and returned them with wounded faces.

This had caused the wrath of Kubilai Khan and hence the Mongols made preparations for war. At the same time Kertanagara had just completed his "Pamalayu" expedition to extend his kingdom to the Malay Peninsular and West Borneo. He had rather expected the Mongol's response.

However, Kertanagara's power in Java had been toppled and the territories that were once his vassals took the opportunity to revolt. Kertanagara was eventually killed and by the time the Mongol armada reached Tuban, the enemy was no more!

Kertanagara left no son and the new crown prince was his son-in-law, Vijaya. Vijaya took the opportunity to acquire Mongol's assistance to retake the throne of Singosari by promising to accept Kublai Khan's lordship. The ploy worked. When the Mongol forces were broken up to perform new duties, Vijaya attacked the various groups one by one. The rest escaped and returned to China

King Vijaya later went on to establish the Majapahit Empire..........

The Converted Jews

Mengikut James W. Von Brunn dalam bukunya "Kill The Best Gentiles" perkatan "Jew" ini dicipta oleh William Sheridan, seorang dramatis British, dalam karyanya "The Rival" pada 1775. Perkataan ini datangnya dari perkataan "Judean" dan diguna sebagai perkataan slang dan bermaksud JUDEAN OF HEBRAIC FAITH tetapi punya perwatakan orang2 KHAZAR. Asal-usul Khazar korang boleh baca sendirilah kat internet. Macam2 ada. 90% Jew sekarang adalah terdiri dari orang2 Khazar.

Kononnya perkataan "Jew" tidak diguna dalam Old Testament asal dalam bahasa Hebrew ataupun Torah yang telah dialih bahasa dari Aramaic ke bahasa Greek dan lain2. Selepas 1776 apabila Khazar diterima oleh Kingdom2 Kristian sebagai serpihan kaum Judea dari diaspora, mereka dipanggil Jew secara rasmi. Masa itulah "Talmudism" menjadi "Judaism". Maka bermulalah perkataan "Judaism" dan "Jew" dimasukkan kedalam edisi2 semakan Talmud dan Holy Bible kemudiannya. Justerunya orang2 Khazar telah menjadi "The Choosen People", pewaris Covenant, Palestine dan lain2 kekayaan dan khazanah yg berada di bumi Palestine. Barang diingat mereka boleh mendapatkan tanah untuk dijadikan negeri di bumi Afrika tetapi mereka telah menolak cadangan itu dan mereka mahukan Palestine juga.

Apakah sebenarnya yg dikatakan perwatakan Khazar itu? Cukup dengan yang berikut sahaja buat masa ini:

Pakar sejarah memanggil mereka Ashkenazi (Asiatic/European Jew).
Pakar anthropology memanggil mereka Mongol-Armenoid Jew.
Pakar psychology memanggil mereka "manicdepressives".
Mereka juka dikenali sebagai "Masters of deceit".

Ni ada satu lagi cerita tentang mereka yang dipetik dari penulisan Benjamin Freedman who was a Jewish defector.

Masa itu, menjadi kebiasaan bagi negara2 Kristian di Eropah untuk mengadakan upacara rayat mengangkat sumpah taat setia kepada raja2, pembesar2, tetuan punya tanah dan lain-lain. Apabila Khazaria jatuh ke tangan Russia, pihak Khazar telah menukarkan Talmud di bahagian-bahagian tertentu dengan effek bahawa sumpah itu tidak valid kepada Jews walaupun dilafaskan. Lambat laun hal ini menjadi pengetahuan ramai. Mereka juga menolak bahasa Russia dan semua langkah2 Russia untuk mengasimilasi orang2 Khazar ke dalam negara Russia tidak mendapat sukses. Oleh itu banyaklah kejadian2 yang diceritakan oleh sejarah sebagai pogrom, persecution, diskriminasi dan lain-lain. Ada Rabbai yang ingin membuang undang2 ini dari Talmud kerana ianya tidak ada kena mengena dengan persoalan spiritual, akan tetapi Rabbai Khazar tak bersetuju. Jadi, sampai la ni mereka masih mengamalkannya.

Kepada sesiapa yang tertanya2 mengapakah "Jew" amat tidak disenagi pada masa dahulu, ini mungkin menjadi salah satu jawapan.


Just thought of dwelling into the subject of Hiram, builder of the Temple of Solomon.

Modern masonic movement is believed to have been based on what the Knights Templars found in the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. It is believed that they had brought them home and used them till this day. Whatever they were they had caused their activities to be banned by the Catholic Church.

Pergerakan mason modern dipercayai ada banyak berdasarkan apa yang dijumpai knights templars di bekas'Temple of Solomon'. Dipercayai, mereka telah membawanya pulang dan menggunanya sehingga kehari ini. Apakah dia yang dijumpai itu sehinggga pergerakkan itu telah diharamkan oleh pehak Gereja Katolik?

The story is told that, Balkis, Queen of Sheba, had fallen in love with Hiram Abiff. Solomon was certainly displeased with this. Whilst Hiram was building the Temple, there were three smart masons who had requested for a promotion. However, Hiram had rejected the request. Another source says that the three masons had forced Hiram to reveal the secrets of the construction of the Temple. It had been said that only three people were privy to these secrets - Solomon, Hiram's King who had sent him to Solomon an Hiram himself. Hiram refused to devulge the secrets. One day Hiram was killed and buried. The three masons were charged with his murder and punished. Here I wish to emphasise on the "brotherhood" and the secrets which have been kept so well that they were willing to die for them. This is a quality valued by the "masons"

Mengikut ceritanya, Queen of Sheba, Balkis, telah jatuh cinta dengan Hiram Abiff. Sudah tentu ini tidak di senangi Solomon. Juga semasa Hiram membina Temple itu ada 3 orang mason atau tukang batu yang bijak telah meminta dinaikkan pangkat. Permintaan ini ditolak oleh Hiram. Satu lagi sumber menceritakan bahawa tukang2 batu itu telah memaksa Hiram untuk memberi tahu akan rahsia pembenaan Temple itu. Dikesahkan bahawa hanya 3 orang yang tahu akan rahsia ini - Solomon, Raja kepada Hiram yg menghantarnya ke Solomon dan Hiram sendiri. Haram enggan membuka rahsia itu. Satu hari, Hiram telah dibunuh dan ditanam dan tukang batu yang bertiga itu telah dituduh membunuh Hiram dan dihukum. Disini sy ingin menekankan tentang "pakatan" dan rahsia yang disimpan begitu rupa sehingga sanggup dibunuh. Inilah salah satunya yg diutamakan oleh "masons".

According to my notes, history of "Brotherhood" began during the time of the Sumers. I do not intend to explain it at length as it would require an open mind to accept the facts. It would suffice to know that it had been accounted in cunieform on tablets found in Iraq. They have been translated by experts.

Mengikut catatan saya, sejarah pakatan setiakawan atau Brotherhood itu sebenarnya berputik dari zaman Sumer lagi. Saya tidak berniat menceritakannya dengan lebih lanjut (saya ni memang suka bercerita) kerana ia memerlukan fikiran terbuka untuk menerima fakta2nya. Cukup dengan mengetahui bahawa cerita ini ada tertulis dalam tulisan cunieform atas batu-bata yang telah banyak dijumpai di Iraq dan diterjemahkan oleh pakar2.

To the Sumers, "Brotherhood" meant "keepers of secret things". It is said that in 1118, the Knights Templars found "scrolls" beneath the Temple of Herod. Whatever they were, they had made them rich and powerful.

Erti "Brotherhood" kepada orang2 zaman Sumer dahulu adalah "penyimpan rahsia". Ada diceritakan Knights Templers ada menemui "scrolls" pada 1118 di bawah Temple Herod pula, entahlah.....Walauapapun bendanya, ia telah menyebabkan mereka kaya dan berkuasa.

There are several stories about what was found in Jerusalem then. In brief, the Knights Templars were "Free men" not bound by the Catholic philosophy of those days. If you understand the history of Roman Catholicism, this story will be more meaningful and you will understand why the Freemason operates in secret.

Memang ada beberapa cerita tentang apa yang dijumpai di Jerusalem itu. Dipendekkan cerita, Knights Templars adalah "bebas" tidak terikat kepada garisan2 falsafah katholik pada zaman itu. Kalau kekawan faham bagaimana Roman Katolik bermula maka cerita ini akan menjadi lebih bermakna. Juga boleh difaham kenapa Freemason bergerak secara rahsia.

In 1948 the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Qumran. They were writings on copper sheets amongst which are about the history of Yehoshua(Jesus' real name) which is quite different from the version that is generally known today. The people of Qumran in those days were the Essenes who escaped from Jerusalem during the Jewish revolution.The revolution brought the destruction of Jerusalem and it's temples. The Esanees were the original followers of Yehoshua, Nasoreans. The writings on the scrolls mention about some treasure being hidden below the Temple of Herod.

Dengan penemuan Dead Sea Scrolls di Qumran pada tahun 1948 yang mengandungi penulisan atas kepingan tembaga diantaranya menceritakan tentang sejarah Yehoshua(nama sebenar Jesus) yg bukan seperti cerita rasmi yang diketahui umum sekarang. Penghuni Qumran pada masa itu terdiri daripada orang-orang Essenes yang telah melarikan diri dari Jerusalem semasa revolusi Yahudi yang membawa kemusnahan Jerusalem dan temple-templenya. Mereka adalah pengikut2 asal Yehoshua, Nasoreans. Penulisan discroll itu ada juga menceritakan yang mereka ada menyuruk harta dan penulisan lain dibawah Temple of Herod.

With this, it is believed that the Templars had obtained very original Christian documents! For sure, their practices which were different from the official Catholic's did not please the Church.

Dengan ini dipercayai bahawa Templars telah mendapatkan dokumen2 Kristian yang amat original! Sudah tentunya amalan2 mereka yang berlainan dari amalan rasmi Katholik tidak disenagi pehak Gereja.

In my opinion the founding fathers of Freemason had good intentions i.e.having a moral system for members of the masonic craft based on brotherhood, love and truth. However, the brotherhood, had been infiltrated by the Illuminati and many real "masons" left Freemason.

Pada pendapat saya pengasas Freemason mempunyai cita2 murni ia itu satu sistem moral buat ahli2 kraf "mason" dengan berprinsipkan setiakawan, penyayang dan kebenaran diantaranya. Akan tetapi, kumpulan ini telah diresapi Illuminati dan ramai ahli2 yang sebenarnya "mason" telah meninggalkan Freemason.

To my knowledge, the term "Illuminati" had been used in different context by different groups e.g. "Illuminated Ones" (11th century). A german group, "Illuminati" in 15th century claimed to have been illuminated by Satan, said to be an angel from heaven called Lucifer/Iblis, the bearer of light.

Pada pengetahuan saya, perkataan "Illuminati" telah digunakan dalam beberapa cara oleh beberapa kumpulan seperti "Illuminated Ones" (kurun ke-11). Suatu kumpulan Jerman "Illuminati" dalam kurun ke-15 mengaku mendapat cahaya dari Satan yang difahami sebagai malaikat di syurga bernama Lucifer/Iblis, ia adalah pembawa cahaya.

There was another group in Afghanistan in the 16th century, said to be searching for illumination from the Supreme Being who was in need of a perfect man. Those who reach the 4th degree were said to have become the "Enlighten One" and shall be bestowed with mystical abilities. Upon reaching the 8th and the last degree, they would be told that they have attained perfection. Their aim is to influence those in power for peace on earth. During the time they were fighting the Mongols who were in power in India. This group survived till the 17th century. After that, other groups grew.

Ada suatu kumpulan di Afghanistan pada kurun ke-16 mencari illuminasi dari Yang Maha Agung dan berkemahuan akan suatu kelas manusia yang cukup semporna. Apabila mereka sampai ke tahap darjah 4 mereka akan menjadi "Enlighten One" dan akan menerima kebolehan mistik. Apabila sampai ke tahap darjah 8 atau akhir,mereka akan diberi tahu yang mereka telah mencapai tahap semporna. Tujuannya adalah untuk mempengaruh orang2 atasan untuk keharmonian didunia. Pada masa itu mereka banyak melawan orang2 Mongol yang berkuasa di India. Kumpulan ini bertapak sehingga kurun ke-17. Selepas itu lain2 kumpulan pula bertunas.

I reckon by the time Adam Weishaupt learned about all these groups and their and their rituals, he had adopted some of the doctrines and rituals for his own group( Order of Illuminati) to fight suppression by religions and to establish a religion "of reason". Be reminded that the Jews had suffered religious suppression for a long time.

Saya kira apabila Adam Weishaupt mempelajari penulisan tentang semua kumpulan2 dan amalan2 mereka, ia telah sedikit sebanyak memetik doctrine2 dan amalan2 dari mereka buat pertubuhannya sendiri untuk melawan penindasan oleh agama dan menukarnya kepada agama "of reason". Seyugia diingatkn pehak Yahudi telah lama ditindas di Eropah.

The Battle of Ayn Jalut

From one perspective, the battle in the Valley of Ayn Jalut, not far from Jerusalem, the victory of the Mamluk from Egypt was hailed as a milestone in the history of the Muslim Empire. How come the Mongols were defeated?

Mongke Khan's(grandson of Genghis Khan)expansionist policy had earlier seen the Mongols pushing westwards into the Muslim territories. The forces were led by his brother Hulagu. After the fall of the Hashshashin in Persia, the 500-year-old Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad, and the Ayyubid dynasty in Damascus. Hulagu's plan was to then proceed southwards through Palestine towards Egypt, to confront the last major Islamic power, the Mamluk Sultanate. Their envoys to the court of Qutuz in Cairo delivering the demand for his surrender had been killed and their heads had been displayed over one of the gates of the city.

Fate had it that news of the death of Mongke Khan who was campaigning in China was soon to be received. With this a large size of the Mongol army was withdrawn to return home for an impending decision on the successor. The Great Khan was always chosen from the best in the family of Genghis. Only one commander and about 15,000 men and Syrian conscripts were left behind to guard the borders of Damascus.

Two groups of Crusaders were the first to harass the Mongols. The Mongols retaliated and the cities of Sidon and Beirut were destroyed. The Templars were reduced to bits. It could be that the Crusaders had entised the Mongols to enter Palestine to help him achieve Muslims' release of their hold of the region. In fact Hulagu, whose wife was a Christian, had earlier agreed to the alliance. However, when Hulahu withdrew a big portion of his army, the Crusaders decided to have a go at them instead. That was why they were completely destroyed by the Mongol.

On the other front, the Mamluk, tired of waiting for the Mongol.decided to attack the Mongol instead. First they defeared a Mongol border petrol. With that in hand, the Mamluk proceeded into the Valley of Ayn Jalut. It was a tough battle , 50-50. The Syrian conscript bolted and the Mongol commander wad killed there. The detail of the battle is interesting. While it was a fight to the death they, the Mamluk did not meet the full force of the Mongol army.....

After that the Mamluk went on to conquer Damascus dan Aleppo. Due to development elsewhere in the Mongol Empire, the Mongols never returned to Syria.

The Mamluk Sultan was Qutuz. It is said that his wife died in the battle.

More Mongols.....

My blabbering continues herewith...

Do you know that in Genghis Khan' time, the laws of the Mongols allowed men to take as many wives they wanted. However, it was the rich who would ultimately take multiple wives. I suppose this was for practicality and survival of the tribe. I had read somewhere in the case of the Red Indians of North America they would simply leave the widows in the snow to die as a woman without a man to look after her, would impose a heavy burden on the rest of the tribe. It is after all looking at the same issue from a different angle. It is said that the polygamous practice ensured all women to be eventually married and hence the celibacy of their men.....

Marriage with their father's widow's were also allowed except their own mother. So would marriage with sisters except their sisters from the same mother.

Genghis was betrothed at the age of nine. According to tradition, prospective husband would stay with his prospective bride's family. The prospective couple would then be able to acclimatise with one another. However, you know that Genghis' died on the way home from the betrothal. So he was forced to return to his family after which many things befell him. History is told that he was able to return to his betrothed 7 years later.

Nothing much is said of his wedding but not long after that his wife was kidnapped by another tribe said to be in revenge for what his father had done. You see wife kidnapping had been a way of many Asian Minor tribes, some persist even until today. Gangis' mum had also been kidnapped from her tribe by his dad.

The mongols were regarded as disciplined. This may have been due to the death penalty for espionage, betrayal, stealing, adultery and 3 times bankrupt merchants.

Genghis is renown for his codes and laws. They were usually tolerant and indifferent towards religion. Priests and religious institutions were free from taxation. Traditionally the Mongols practised Sharmanism and the belief of life after death was evident in their funerary practices. It is also told how Genghis had ordered his commander, Jebe to lead twenty thousand Mongol soldiers across the length of Asia and defend the Muslims of Balasagun.

As the Mongols had conducted the campaign at the request of the Uighur Muslims, they did not allow plunder, destroy property, or endanger the lives of civilians. Instead, Jebe's army had defeated the army of Guchlug and beheaded him. Following the execution, the Mongols sent a herald to Kashgar to proclaim the end of religious persecution and the restoration of religious freedom in each community. According to the Persian historian Juvaini, the people of Kashgar proclaimed the Mongols "to be one of the mercies of the Lord and one of the bounties of divine grace."

Although Persian and other Muslim chroniclers recorded the episode in tremendous detail, the Secret History of the Mongols summed up the entire campaign in one simple sentence. "Jebe pursued Guchlug Khan of the Naiman, overtook him at the Yellow Cliff, destroyed him, and came home." From the Mongol perspective, that is probably all that mattered. Jebe had killed the enemy and returned home safely.

Mongol Expedition to Japan

A lot had been said about Mongol expedition to conquer Japan amongst which was the cause of the downfall of the Mongol Empire

There may be some truth in that. Pethaps, if Kubilai Khan had given more focus on the management of his Yuan Dynasty, it might have shone longer and brighter(?) Perhaps it was the urge of expansion was simply the manifestation of a great Mongol traditional. As there was not much more land the Mongols had not conquered, Japan became the the next target. There were many campaigns on Japan but two became very well known as they almost bankrupted the Empire and tarnished the image of Kubilai.

The first was in 1274. As usual Mongol would first send a demand for submission of it's adversary. However Japan's "insolent" reply caused the Mongols to prepare for war.The Koreans were pressganged to provide the fleet and sailors to carry 20,000 troops......perhaps more than enough to deal with the illequipped Japanese. It was indeed a very easy progress for the Mongols. However, the night after Mongol landing in Japan, a storm blew up and the Korean sailors insisted that they set to sea least their ships would be dashed against the rocks and be destroyed and they would have no means of retreat after that. The Koreans may be right, but once at sea they were scattered by the winds ......13.000 lives were lost. The Mongols withdrew.

The second expedition was in 1280 after the defeat of Sung. Kubilai wanted revenge on Japan. This time 900 ships brought 40,000 troops from Northern China and 100,000 Chinese from Southern China. This time, the Japanese in Kyushu Island were more prepared. They had built a fort. They battled for two months but fate would have the typhoon wind to blow up again. The Koreans again asked for a retreat to sea. In the melee 60,000 troops drowned or slaughtered trying to get off the beach.

Many sources blamed the Koreans. However, it could also be the lack of knowledge of the weather in Japan. It was unlikely that they were lacking in naval warfare as the Sung Dynasty had been defeated in a naval warfare......

Genghis Khan

Indeed Genghis Khan is among my favourite heroes. I have two books on him - "Genghis Khan" by Michel Hoang and the other, "Storm From The East" by Robert Marshall. Not too long ago, while recuperating from tendon operation in my right leg a dear friend had lent me some DVD of Chinese series on Genghis Khan. Theh were simply wonderful.

Sure, Europe called him and his people barbarians. Yet surprisingly, they were very tolerant towards religions, unlike some of European Empire. If only Genghis Khan had not died early (he is said to have fallen off a horse in his 60s) he might have taken the whole of Europe. His grave remains unknown till this day. All those who witnessed the burial ceremony were killed so that his remains lay undisturbed.


In the year 1295, Ghazan Ilkhan converted to Islam and hence persia and Mesopotamia returned to Islam till today. Ghazan introduced many reformation in it's government, economy, taxes and judiciary. His brother, Olgietu who became the next Ilkhan continued the reformation of his realm, much in the expression of arts - poetry, paintings, ceremic and above all, architecture. His new city, Sultaniyya became well known with his octagonal buildings. His monuments were masterpieces and his mausoleum became one of the greatest Islamic landmarks.

Oljeitu's son, Abu Sa'id became the first Ilkhan with a Muslim name.It brought the golden age of Mongol era - economy boomed and there was peace. Unfortunately, Abu Sa'id died heirless in 1335. Many non-Muslim elite left while the rest became absorbed into the local population.Mongol control on Persia ceased and the Ilkhanate disappearsd Persia then drifted into a period of ununified government until 30 years later Timur The Lama (Tamerlane,a Turki-Mongol warrior appeared from Samarqand.

On another front, Ozbeg Khan of the Golden Horde (Jochi-Batu line) officially embraced Islam in 1313 and all Muslim nations in the Middle East rejoiced. They maintained good relations with the Christian West. Mosques were built by Mamluk Egyptian architects. Ozbeg too did not have an heir. Soon after the Khanate seemed to languish and numerous puppet Khan became the order of the day.

On yet another front, in 1529 Babur of the Chaghdai Khanate escaped to Northern India an defeated the Lodi Dynasty. Henceforth began the Moghul Dynasty whose centre was in Agra.They built beautiful gardens,and famous palaces and forts which are known till today like the Taj Mahal.