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Friday, September 02, 2005

The Case of The Prophet Idris

Islamic traditions has it that Idris or Enoch of the Bible, studied astronomy, physics, arithmetic and was first to use a pen.

He was said to be a 5th generation of Adam and the grandfather of Nuh(Noah) and lived around 3284-3017BC which was indeed during the times of civilization.

Commentators have argued about Idris being Enoch. However, if they were indeed the same, please read on.....

Mediaeval Masonry had it that Enoch inscribed the Heavenly Wisdom. The knowledge was given to him by Fallen Angels. However, from another source, Enoch was visited by two exceedingly big men, angels Sanuil and Raguil, whose shining faces were like the sun with bright wings and white hands. They took Enoch up to heaven for 60 days where he saw many things in the various levels of heaven. They seated before God, he was asked to write 360-366(?) books which were to be handed to his sons .

Then in 1948, copies of Book of Enoch(in Aramic) were discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It tells of "wicked angles who abducted and mated with human women hence producing a hybrid race known as Nephilim". They(wicked angles) had taught mankind to make arms (to fight), astrology, medicine, viewing of stars etc... Some of the knowledge were to lead mankind to destroy themselves.

It is noted that the pre Nuh(Noah ) humans had long lifespan e.g. Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Enoch and Methuselah. Sumerian texts place humans to be about 450,000 years ago. However, if the Biblical years are adjusted by multiplying the ages by 100 we get 165,000 years which would bring us to the time of the Flood!
(Will cerita about the Flood later).

The question then is who was Adam, the first human?

A Mesopotamian colony was called E.DIN. Could it be the biblical Eden? To cut a long story short, the Sumerian account has it that genetic manipulation by the Anunnaki had produced many mutated creatures like lions with human heads, wingged animals, humanoids with head and feet of goats etc which might have been the basis of mythical creatures which we have come to know.

Creation of the first man was LU.LU or Adama in Hebrew which means "man on Earth" . Unfortunately, Sumerian texts on details of how this was done had been lost. But then we have now heard of cloning!

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