Just thought of dwelling into the subject of Hiram, builder of the Temple of Solomon.
Modern masonic movement is believed to have been based on what the Knights Templars found in the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. It is believed that they had brought them home and used them till this day. Whatever they were they had caused their activities to be banned by the Catholic Church.
Pergerakan mason modern dipercayai ada banyak berdasarkan apa yang dijumpai knights templars di bekas'Temple of Solomon'. Dipercayai, mereka telah membawanya pulang dan menggunanya sehingga kehari ini. Apakah dia yang dijumpai itu sehinggga pergerakkan itu telah diharamkan oleh pehak Gereja Katolik?The story is told that, Balkis, Queen of Sheba, had fallen in love with Hiram Abiff. Solomon was certainly displeased with this. Whilst Hiram was building the Temple, there were three smart masons who had requested for a promotion. However, Hiram had rejected the request. Another source says that the three masons had forced Hiram to reveal the secrets of the construction of the Temple. It had been said that only three people were privy to these secrets - Solomon, Hiram's King who had sent him to Solomon an Hiram himself. Hiram refused to devulge the secrets. One day Hiram was killed and buried. The three masons were charged with his murder and punished. Here I wish to emphasise on the "brotherhood" and the secrets which have been kept so well that they were willing to die for them. This is a quality valued by the "masons"
Mengikut ceritanya, Queen of Sheba, Balkis, telah jatuh cinta dengan Hiram Abiff. Sudah tentu ini tidak di senangi Solomon. Juga semasa Hiram membina Temple itu ada 3 orang mason atau tukang batu yang bijak telah meminta dinaikkan pangkat. Permintaan ini ditolak oleh Hiram. Satu lagi sumber menceritakan bahawa tukang2 batu itu telah memaksa Hiram untuk memberi tahu akan rahsia pembenaan Temple itu. Dikesahkan bahawa hanya 3 orang yang tahu akan rahsia ini - Solomon, Raja kepada Hiram yg menghantarnya ke Solomon dan Hiram sendiri. Haram enggan membuka rahsia itu. Satu hari, Hiram telah dibunuh dan ditanam dan tukang batu yang bertiga itu telah dituduh membunuh Hiram dan dihukum. Disini sy ingin menekankan tentang "pakatan" dan rahsia yang disimpan begitu rupa sehingga sanggup dibunuh. Inilah salah satunya yg diutamakan oleh "masons".
According to my notes, history of "Brotherhood" began during the time of the Sumers. I do not intend to explain it at length as it would require an open mind to accept the facts. It would suffice to know that it had been accounted in cunieform on tablets found in Iraq. They have been translated by experts.
Mengikut catatan saya, sejarah pakatan setiakawan atau Brotherhood itu sebenarnya berputik dari zaman Sumer lagi. Saya tidak berniat menceritakannya dengan lebih lanjut (saya ni memang suka bercerita) kerana ia memerlukan fikiran terbuka untuk menerima fakta2nya. Cukup dengan mengetahui bahawa cerita ini ada tertulis dalam tulisan cunieform atas batu-bata yang telah banyak dijumpai di Iraq dan diterjemahkan oleh pakar2.
To the Sumers, "Brotherhood" meant "keepers of secret things". It is said that in 1118, the Knights Templars found "scrolls" beneath the Temple of Herod. Whatever they were, they had made them rich and powerful.
Erti "Brotherhood" kepada orang2 zaman Sumer dahulu adalah "penyimpan rahsia". Ada diceritakan Knights Templers ada menemui "scrolls" pada 1118 di bawah Temple Herod pula, entahlah.....Walauapapun bendanya, ia telah menyebabkan mereka kaya dan berkuasa.
There are several stories about what was found in Jerusalem then. In brief, the Knights Templars were "Free men" not bound by the Catholic philosophy of those days. If you understand the history of Roman Catholicism, this story will be more meaningful and you will understand why the Freemason operates in secret.
Memang ada beberapa cerita tentang apa yang dijumpai di Jerusalem itu. Dipendekkan cerita, Knights Templars adalah "bebas" tidak terikat kepada garisan2 falsafah katholik pada zaman itu. Kalau kekawan faham bagaimana Roman Katolik bermula maka cerita ini akan menjadi lebih bermakna. Juga boleh difaham kenapa Freemason bergerak secara rahsia.
In 1948 the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Qumran. They were writings on copper sheets amongst which are about the history of Yehoshua(Jesus' real name) which is quite different from the version that is generally known today. The people of Qumran in those days were the Essenes who escaped from Jerusalem during the Jewish revolution.The revolution brought the destruction of Jerusalem and it's temples. The Esanees were the original followers of Yehoshua, Nasoreans. The writings on the scrolls mention about some treasure being hidden below the Temple of Herod.
Dengan penemuan Dead Sea Scrolls di Qumran pada tahun 1948 yang mengandungi penulisan atas kepingan tembaga diantaranya menceritakan tentang sejarah Yehoshua(nama sebenar Jesus) yg bukan seperti cerita rasmi yang diketahui umum sekarang. Penghuni Qumran pada masa itu terdiri daripada orang-orang Essenes yang telah melarikan diri dari Jerusalem semasa revolusi Yahudi yang membawa kemusnahan Jerusalem dan temple-templenya. Mereka adalah pengikut2 asal Yehoshua, Nasoreans. Penulisan discroll itu ada juga menceritakan yang mereka ada menyuruk harta dan penulisan lain dibawah Temple of Herod.
With this, it is believed that the Templars had obtained very original Christian documents! For sure, their practices which were different from the official Catholic's did not please the Church.
Dengan ini dipercayai bahawa Templars telah mendapatkan dokumen2 Kristian yang amat original! Sudah tentunya amalan2 mereka yang berlainan dari amalan rasmi Katholik tidak disenagi pehak Gereja.
In my opinion the founding fathers of Freemason had good intentions i.e.having a moral system for members of the masonic craft based on brotherhood, love and truth. However, the brotherhood, had been infiltrated by the Illuminati and many real "masons" left Freemason.
Pada pendapat saya pengasas Freemason mempunyai cita2 murni ia itu satu sistem moral buat ahli2 kraf "mason" dengan berprinsipkan setiakawan, penyayang dan kebenaran diantaranya. Akan tetapi, kumpulan ini telah diresapi Illuminati dan ramai ahli2 yang sebenarnya "mason" telah meninggalkan Freemason.
To my knowledge, the term "Illuminati" had been used in different context by different groups e.g. "Illuminated Ones" (11th century). A german group, "Illuminati" in 15th century claimed to have been illuminated by Satan, said to be an angel from heaven called Lucifer/Iblis, the bearer of light.
Pada pengetahuan saya, perkataan "Illuminati" telah digunakan dalam beberapa cara oleh beberapa kumpulan seperti "Illuminated Ones" (kurun ke-11). Suatu kumpulan Jerman "Illuminati" dalam kurun ke-15 mengaku mendapat cahaya dari Satan yang difahami sebagai malaikat di syurga bernama Lucifer/Iblis, ia adalah pembawa cahaya.
There was another group in Afghanistan in the 16th century, said to be searching for illumination from the Supreme Being who was in need of a perfect man. Those who reach the 4th degree were said to have become the "Enlighten One" and shall be bestowed with mystical abilities. Upon reaching the 8th and the last degree, they would be told that they have attained perfection. Their aim is to influence those in power for peace on earth. During the time they were fighting the Mongols who were in power in India. This group survived till the 17th century. After that, other groups grew.
Ada suatu kumpulan di Afghanistan pada kurun ke-16 mencari illuminasi dari Yang Maha Agung dan berkemahuan akan suatu kelas manusia yang cukup semporna. Apabila mereka sampai ke tahap darjah 4 mereka akan menjadi "Enlighten One" dan akan menerima kebolehan mistik. Apabila sampai ke tahap darjah 8 atau akhir,mereka akan diberi tahu yang mereka telah mencapai tahap semporna. Tujuannya adalah untuk mempengaruh orang2 atasan untuk keharmonian didunia. Pada masa itu mereka banyak melawan orang2 Mongol yang berkuasa di India. Kumpulan ini bertapak sehingga kurun ke-17. Selepas itu lain2 kumpulan pula bertunas.
I reckon by the time Adam Weishaupt learned about all these groups and their and their rituals, he had adopted some of the doctrines and rituals for his own group( Order of Illuminati) to fight suppression by religions and to establish a religion "of reason". Be reminded that the Jews had suffered religious suppression for a long time.
Saya kira apabila Adam Weishaupt mempelajari penulisan tentang semua kumpulan2 dan amalan2 mereka, ia telah sedikit sebanyak memetik doctrine2 dan amalan2 dari mereka buat pertubuhannya sendiri untuk melawan penindasan oleh agama dan menukarnya kepada agama "of reason". Seyugia diingatkn pehak Yahudi telah lama ditindas di Eropah.