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Friday, July 09, 2010


What? After all these years it is still happening and to top that a young student had died at the hands of raggers in a residential college in Kuala Lumpur. The last time I read they were still investigating..........

This should not have happened. Who gave the right to those  students to lay their hands (or legs) on other peoples' kids? I think perpetrators should be taken to task according to the law.....and fast. If you could drag someone out for drinking beer, how about murder? 

Orientation....yes. Ragging, no. It is high time residential schools monitor their students' activities. I hear this College is no longer what it used to be even academically. Where were the wardens? What did the College administration do to inform kids of ragging and their rights? When parents leave their kids there, they put them under your wings. Now, if parents cannot depend on you on the safety of their children, what else can we expect of you? Safety of the nation? This is a clarion call. Wake up ! 

I think it has been said again and again but there seem to be something missing in the way residential schools are being managed. Even religious schools are not spared. Being Malays and Muslim do not necessarily make them good people it seems. Such schools are supposed to be select schools, come? Why are senior students allowed to terrorize the younger ones? Some of them continue to do so well into the term. I feel for the parents.

Raggers are a socio-legal problem and behave and operate on a psychological basis that satiate their own perverse sadistic pleasures. It also is a means to authority, retaliation, fashion statement and appease peer pressure. I know it is unlawful here, and college authority must take full responsibility to ensure conformity. I only know two other countries where this may still be  happening.

What originated as horseplay in the west, has now become a human rights violation. Students must be informed on this. College authority must take full responsibility. I know colleges would soon be receiving new intakes  and I hope there would be no waste of public money under the guise of an orientation week. 

Yes, I am  disgusted ...... Some things you can wait till end of time for the perpetrators to receive God's retribution. Without law and order on earth, live will be  chaotic to say the least. 


Pak Idrus said...

Azimah, Parent should stop sending their kids to Boarding School. Let the kids live in their own house and go to the normal school. By doing that parents could monitor what their kids are doing all days long as well educate them on family value which is as important as a formal education.

BTW What is so great about Boarding School nowadays after all.

Have a nice day anyway.

MANDALAY said...

Salam, Pak Idrus. The system being such, parents are bound to join in the fray to send their kids to residential schools. As there may still be pertinent reasons especially for out of towners, I stopped short of telling parents the same. However, there is indeed a need to evaluate situations before entrusting our kids to half baked school management.

Good day to you too and thanks.