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Tuesday, October 11, 2005


The Kingdom of Israel was once divided into two. The Northern Kingdom was for the House of Israel (10 tribes) while the Southern Kingdom was for the House of Judah (2 tribes -Judah and Benjamin). The tribe of Levi was not given any land. They were given the priesthood and allowed to live where ever they wanted. The tribe of Dan did not go to war against Canaan with the rest went. They settle north of the Northern Kingdom as pagans.

The lost tribes were the House of Israel. It is said that it was the House of Israel that was brought to Babylonia during the First Diaspora. They were not lost....they just changed name. Experts in the study of names and history could trace them scattered throughout Europe especially in Scandinavia, Holland, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, British Isles, North Afrika as well as India.

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