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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Beginning of The Masonic Movement

Modern masonic movement is believed to have been largely based on what the Knights Templars found in the ruins of the "Temple of Solomon". It is believed that they have brought it back and used it until the present day. What was it that they found that had caused the Catholic Church to outlaw them?

Pergerakan mason modern dipercayai ada banyak berdasarkan apa yang dijumpai knights templars di bekas'Temple of Solomon'. Dipercayai, mereka telah membawanya pulang dan menggunanya sehingga kehari ini. Apakah dia yang dijumpai itu sehingga pergerakkan itu telah diharamkan oleh pehak Gereja Katolik?

According to one story, Balkis, Queen of Sheba, had fallen in love with Hiram Abiff, the architect of the Temple of Solomon. This displeased Solomon.At that time Hiram Abiff was building the Temple. Three expert masons had asked for a promotion which was eventually rejected by Hiram. On day, Hiram was killed and buried. The three masons were accused of the murder and were subsequently punished.

Mengikut ceritanya, Queen of Sheba, Balkis, telah jatuh cinta dengan Hiram Abiff, arkitek Temple Solomon. Sudah tentu ini tidak di senangi Solomon. Juga semasa Hiram Abiff membina Temple itu ada 3 orang mason atau tukang batu yang bijak telah meminta dinaikkan pangkat. Permintaan ini telah ditolak oleh Hiram. Suatu hari, Hiram telah di bunuh dan ditanam dan tukang batu yang bertiga itu telah dituduh membunuh Hiram dan dihukum.

Another version says that the masons had asked Hiram Abiff of the "secret" of the temple building. The secret is said to be known only to Solomon, King Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abiff himself who was also from Tyre. Hiram Abiff refused to impart the secret to the masons and for that he was killed.

Satu lagi cerita mengatakan tukang-tukang itu telah meminta "rahsia" pembenaan temple itu dari Hiram Abiff. Rahsia ini hanya diketahui oleh Solomon, Raja Hiram dari Tyre dan Hiram Abiff sendiri yang berasal dari Tyre. Oleh kerana Hiram Abiff tidak memberikan "rahsia" itu ia telah dibunuh oleh tukang-tukang itu.

With reference to my notations, the history of "brotherhood" began during the Sumerian era. It is related in the cunieform etchings discovered in Iraq and they have been translated by experts.

Mengikut catatan saya, sejarah pakatan setiakawan sebenarnya berputik dari zaman Sumer lagi. Cerita ini ada tertulis dalam tulisan cunieform atas batu-bata yang telah banyak dijumpai di Iraq dan diterjemahkan oleh pakar-pakar.

Brotherhood to the Sumerians are the "keepers of secret things". It is told that the Knights Templars found scrolls in 1118 below the Temple of Herod......Whatever they were, they have made one Knight Templar, Prince Henry Sinclair from Scotland to send an armada consisting of 13 ships to sail until they reach Nova Scotia in 1399, almost 100 years before the birth of Christopher Colombus.

Erti setiakawan "brotherhood" kepada orang-orang zaman Sumer dahulu adalah penyimpan rahsia. Mengikut ceritanya Knights Templers ada menemui "scrolls" pada 1118 di bawah Temple Herod pula, entahlah.....Walauapapun bendanya, ia telah menyebabkan seorang Knight Templar, Prince Henry Sinclair dari Scotland menggerakkan satu armada yg mengandungi 13 kapal berlayar hingga keNova Scotia pada 1399 hampir 100 tahun sebelum Christopher Colombus dilahirkan.

So, what the Knights Templars found must have been very important information - secret things??

Jadi, apa yang ditemui oleh Knights Templars itu pastinya informasi yang amat penting - perkara rahsia??

Haa! It was said, when Knights Templars were excommunicated in Europe by the Catholic Pope in 1398, many of them escaped to Scotland. Henry Sinclair, with his group set sail in search of a place/land which was marked as a star on a scroll. This star was named "la Merica". While in Jerusalem, he had also heard of land in the west.So do you ever wonder why that land is now called America??

Haa! Mengikut satu cerita ni, apabila Knights Templars diharamkan di Eropah oleh Pope Katholik pada 1398, ramai knights lari ke Scotland. Henry Sinclair dengan kumpulan berlayar mencari suatu tempat /tanah darat yang di tanda dengan bintang di atas "scroll". Bintang itu bernama "la Merica". Juga semasa di Jerusalem beliau ada mendengar cerita tentang negeri di barat. Adakah terfikir mengapa tanah itu sekarang dikenali sebagai Amerika??

athere are several versions on what was found in Jerusalem. In short, the Knights Templars were "Free men". They were not bound by the limits of Catholic philosophy
of the day. If you know how Roman Catholicism started, this story would be more meaningful and you would also understand why Freemason movement is highly secretive

Memang ada beberapa cerita tentang apa yang dijumpai di Jerusalem itu. Dipendekkan cerita, Knights Templars adalah "Free men" tidak terikat kepada garisan2 falsafah katholik pada zaman itu. Kalau kekawan faham bagaimana Roman Katolik bermula maka cerita ini akan menjadi lebih bermakna. Juga boleh difaham juga kenapa Freemason bergerak secara rahsia.

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