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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Freaky Weather Hit Shah Alam 081212

We left Shah Alam in the afternoon for Kuantan. The weather was so fine all the way. Little did we know that a freaky weather with high wind hit Shah Alam later that evening.

We returned to shah Alam on 091212 late evening and were surprised to see tree branches piled up on the roadside. We thought that the local city council had done some pruning work on the trees in the area.

Here is a glimpse of the aftermath 3 days later.

Shoddy Work Alright Just Next to My Gate
I was told that MPSA contractors have cleared the roads in the neighbourhood on the next day. Perhaps since we were not home they have indiscriminately piled up the sawn off branches in front of our house on both sides of the gate. Just who were these people with such brains??? I wonder how long MBSA is going to get  the mess cleared up.

A neighbour noted the contractors have been plying back and forth in their Hilux.  Soon after they just disappeared leaving two scrawny looking guys with a chainsaw.....a pathetic looking duo really.  What the winds didn't destroy, these duo did! She lost a garden light. 

I am told about 30 trees have been either uprooted or damaged. A neighbour had on the next road had his wall fence damaged by a fallen tree from the opposite side of the road. So note how tall the trees are!

The trees in our immediate neighbourhood that are affected are all of the Trumpet Tree (Tabebuia rosea) with trumpet like  flowers of white or pink. a had once collected some of the fallen flowers for a friend who said that it is good for fertilising plants. (See pic below)

I have requested the authority several times before to prune the whole tree but all it did was pruned just the sides. So the tree has grown taller and taller to the heaven above....I do not have to be a landscape architect to know the risk of that! Now it is saying that no one had complained before. Well if you wait for someone to complain wouldn't it be too late? 

What Is Left Of My Mengkudu (Noni) Tree
My Staghorn Fern Is Now Rolling On The Ground

Waiting for Someone To Help Put It Up

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