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Monday, December 26, 2005
Mongols In The Nusantara
Today I am thinking of events nearer to home associated with the Mongols....
When the Kediri Kingdom fell in 1222, Singosari became the new powerhouse in Java. In 1286, Prince Kertanegara, son of Vishnuvardhana, became king. He was well aware of the Mongol threat and reckoned that a united "Nusantara" was one way of facing the threat.
AS usual, Kublai Khan had sent a deligation to Kertanegara requesting acceptance of Mongol lordship. However, as the Mongols had just lost in Japan,Tongking and Champa, in 1289, Kertanagara siezed the Mongol delegates and returned them with wounded faces.
This had caused the wrath of Kubilai Khan and hence the Mongols made preparations for war. At the same time Kertanagara had just completed his "Pamalayu" expedition to extend his kingdom to the Malay Peninsular and West Borneo. He had rather expected the Mongol's response.
However, Kertanagara's power in Java had been toppled and the territories that were once his vassals took the opportunity to revolt. Kertanagara was eventually killed and by the time the Mongol armada reached Tuban, the enemy was no more!
Kertanagara left no son and the new crown prince was his son-in-law, Vijaya. Vijaya took the opportunity to acquire Mongol's assistance to retake the throne of Singosari by promising to accept Kublai Khan's lordship. The ploy worked. When the Mongol forces were broken up to perform new duties, Vijaya attacked the various groups one by one. The rest escaped and returned to China
King Vijaya later went on to establish the Majapahit Empire..........
The Converted Jews
Mengikut James W. Von Brunn dalam bukunya "Kill The Best Gentiles" perkatan "Jew" ini dicipta oleh William Sheridan, seorang dramatis British, dalam karyanya "The Rival" pada 1775. Perkataan ini datangnya dari perkataan "Judean" dan diguna sebagai perkataan slang dan bermaksud JUDEAN OF HEBRAIC FAITH tetapi punya perwatakan orang2 KHAZAR. Asal-usul Khazar korang boleh baca sendirilah kat internet. Macam2 ada. 90% Jew sekarang adalah terdiri dari orang2 Khazar.
Kononnya perkataan "Jew" tidak diguna dalam Old Testament asal dalam bahasa Hebrew ataupun Torah yang telah dialih bahasa dari Aramaic ke bahasa Greek dan lain2. Selepas 1776 apabila Khazar diterima oleh Kingdom2 Kristian sebagai serpihan kaum Judea dari diaspora, mereka dipanggil Jew secara rasmi. Masa itulah "Talmudism" menjadi "Judaism". Maka bermulalah perkataan "Judaism" dan "Jew" dimasukkan kedalam edisi2 semakan Talmud dan Holy Bible kemudiannya. Justerunya orang2 Khazar telah menjadi "The Choosen People", pewaris Covenant, Palestine dan lain2 kekayaan dan khazanah yg berada di bumi Palestine. Barang diingat mereka boleh mendapatkan tanah untuk dijadikan negeri di bumi Afrika tetapi mereka telah menolak cadangan itu dan mereka mahukan Palestine juga.
Apakah sebenarnya yg dikatakan perwatakan Khazar itu? Cukup dengan yang berikut sahaja buat masa ini:
Pakar sejarah memanggil mereka Ashkenazi (Asiatic/European Jew).
Pakar anthropology memanggil mereka Mongol-Armenoid Jew.
Pakar psychology memanggil mereka "manicdepressives".
Mereka juka dikenali sebagai "Masters of deceit".
Ni ada satu lagi cerita tentang mereka yang dipetik dari penulisan Benjamin Freedman who was a Jewish defector.
Masa itu, menjadi kebiasaan bagi negara2 Kristian di Eropah untuk mengadakan upacara rayat mengangkat sumpah taat setia kepada raja2, pembesar2, tetuan punya tanah dan lain-lain. Apabila Khazaria jatuh ke tangan Russia, pihak Khazar telah menukarkan Talmud di bahagian-bahagian tertentu dengan effek bahawa sumpah itu tidak valid kepada Jews walaupun dilafaskan. Lambat laun hal ini menjadi pengetahuan ramai. Mereka juga menolak bahasa Russia dan semua langkah2 Russia untuk mengasimilasi orang2 Khazar ke dalam negara Russia tidak mendapat sukses. Oleh itu banyaklah kejadian2 yang diceritakan oleh sejarah sebagai pogrom, persecution, diskriminasi dan lain-lain. Ada Rabbai yang ingin membuang undang2 ini dari Talmud kerana ianya tidak ada kena mengena dengan persoalan spiritual, akan tetapi Rabbai Khazar tak bersetuju. Jadi, sampai la ni mereka masih mengamalkannya.
Kepada sesiapa yang tertanya2 mengapakah "Jew" amat tidak disenagi pada masa dahulu, ini mungkin menjadi salah satu jawapan.
Just thought of dwelling into the subject of Hiram, builder of the Temple of Solomon.
Modern masonic movement is believed to have been based on what the Knights Templars found in the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. It is believed that they had brought them home and used them till this day. Whatever they were they had caused their activities to be banned by the Catholic Church.
Pergerakan mason modern dipercayai ada banyak berdasarkan apa yang dijumpai knights templars di bekas'Temple of Solomon'. Dipercayai, mereka telah membawanya pulang dan menggunanya sehingga kehari ini. Apakah dia yang dijumpai itu sehinggga pergerakkan itu telah diharamkan oleh pehak Gereja Katolik?
The story is told that, Balkis, Queen of Sheba, had fallen in love with Hiram Abiff. Solomon was certainly displeased with this. Whilst Hiram was building the Temple, there were three smart masons who had requested for a promotion. However, Hiram had rejected the request. Another source says that the three masons had forced Hiram to reveal the secrets of the construction of the Temple. It had been said that only three people were privy to these secrets - Solomon, Hiram's King who had sent him to Solomon an Hiram himself. Hiram refused to devulge the secrets. One day Hiram was killed and buried. The three masons were charged with his murder and punished. Here I wish to emphasise on the "brotherhood" and the secrets which have been kept so well that they were willing to die for them. This is a quality valued by the "masons"
Mengikut ceritanya, Queen of Sheba, Balkis, telah jatuh cinta dengan Hiram Abiff. Sudah tentu ini tidak di senangi Solomon. Juga semasa Hiram membina Temple itu ada 3 orang mason atau tukang batu yang bijak telah meminta dinaikkan pangkat. Permintaan ini ditolak oleh Hiram. Satu lagi sumber menceritakan bahawa tukang2 batu itu telah memaksa Hiram untuk memberi tahu akan rahsia pembenaan Temple itu. Dikesahkan bahawa hanya 3 orang yang tahu akan rahsia ini - Solomon, Raja kepada Hiram yg menghantarnya ke Solomon dan Hiram sendiri. Haram enggan membuka rahsia itu. Satu hari, Hiram telah dibunuh dan ditanam dan tukang batu yang bertiga itu telah dituduh membunuh Hiram dan dihukum. Disini sy ingin menekankan tentang "pakatan" dan rahsia yang disimpan begitu rupa sehingga sanggup dibunuh. Inilah salah satunya yg diutamakan oleh "masons".
According to my notes, history of "Brotherhood" began during the time of the Sumers. I do not intend to explain it at length as it would require an open mind to accept the facts. It would suffice to know that it had been accounted in cunieform on tablets found in Iraq. They have been translated by experts.
Mengikut catatan saya, sejarah pakatan setiakawan atau Brotherhood itu sebenarnya berputik dari zaman Sumer lagi. Saya tidak berniat menceritakannya dengan lebih lanjut (saya ni memang suka bercerita) kerana ia memerlukan fikiran terbuka untuk menerima fakta2nya. Cukup dengan mengetahui bahawa cerita ini ada tertulis dalam tulisan cunieform atas batu-bata yang telah banyak dijumpai di Iraq dan diterjemahkan oleh pakar2.
To the Sumers, "Brotherhood" meant "keepers of secret things". It is said that in 1118, the Knights Templars found "scrolls" beneath the Temple of Herod. Whatever they were, they had made them rich and powerful.
Erti "Brotherhood" kepada orang2 zaman Sumer dahulu adalah "penyimpan rahsia". Ada diceritakan Knights Templers ada menemui "scrolls" pada 1118 di bawah Temple Herod pula, entahlah.....Walauapapun bendanya, ia telah menyebabkan mereka kaya dan berkuasa.
There are several stories about what was found in Jerusalem then. In brief, the Knights Templars were "Free men" not bound by the Catholic philosophy of those days. If you understand the history of Roman Catholicism, this story will be more meaningful and you will understand why the Freemason operates in secret.
Memang ada beberapa cerita tentang apa yang dijumpai di Jerusalem itu. Dipendekkan cerita, Knights Templars adalah "bebas" tidak terikat kepada garisan2 falsafah katholik pada zaman itu. Kalau kekawan faham bagaimana Roman Katolik bermula maka cerita ini akan menjadi lebih bermakna. Juga boleh difaham kenapa Freemason bergerak secara rahsia.
In 1948 the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Qumran. They were writings on copper sheets amongst which are about the history of Yehoshua(Jesus' real name) which is quite different from the version that is generally known today. The people of Qumran in those days were the Essenes who escaped from Jerusalem during the Jewish revolution.The revolution brought the destruction of Jerusalem and it's temples. The Esanees were the original followers of Yehoshua, Nasoreans. The writings on the scrolls mention about some treasure being hidden below the Temple of Herod.
Dengan penemuan Dead Sea Scrolls di Qumran pada tahun 1948 yang mengandungi penulisan atas kepingan tembaga diantaranya menceritakan tentang sejarah Yehoshua(nama sebenar Jesus) yg bukan seperti cerita rasmi yang diketahui umum sekarang. Penghuni Qumran pada masa itu terdiri daripada orang-orang Essenes yang telah melarikan diri dari Jerusalem semasa revolusi Yahudi yang membawa kemusnahan Jerusalem dan temple-templenya. Mereka adalah pengikut2 asal Yehoshua, Nasoreans. Penulisan discroll itu ada juga menceritakan yang mereka ada menyuruk harta dan penulisan lain dibawah Temple of Herod.
With this, it is believed that the Templars had obtained very original Christian documents! For sure, their practices which were different from the official Catholic's did not please the Church.
Dengan ini dipercayai bahawa Templars telah mendapatkan dokumen2 Kristian yang amat original! Sudah tentunya amalan2 mereka yang berlainan dari amalan rasmi Katholik tidak disenagi pehak Gereja.
In my opinion the founding fathers of Freemason had good intentions i.e.having a moral system for members of the masonic craft based on brotherhood, love and truth. However, the brotherhood, had been infiltrated by the Illuminati and many real "masons" left Freemason.
Pada pendapat saya pengasas Freemason mempunyai cita2 murni ia itu satu sistem moral buat ahli2 kraf "mason" dengan berprinsipkan setiakawan, penyayang dan kebenaran diantaranya. Akan tetapi, kumpulan ini telah diresapi Illuminati dan ramai ahli2 yang sebenarnya "mason" telah meninggalkan Freemason.
To my knowledge, the term "Illuminati" had been used in different context by different groups e.g. "Illuminated Ones" (11th century). A german group, "Illuminati" in 15th century claimed to have been illuminated by Satan, said to be an angel from heaven called Lucifer/Iblis, the bearer of light.
Pada pengetahuan saya, perkataan "Illuminati" telah digunakan dalam beberapa cara oleh beberapa kumpulan seperti "Illuminated Ones" (kurun ke-11). Suatu kumpulan Jerman "Illuminati" dalam kurun ke-15 mengaku mendapat cahaya dari Satan yang difahami sebagai malaikat di syurga bernama Lucifer/Iblis, ia adalah pembawa cahaya.
There was another group in Afghanistan in the 16th century, said to be searching for illumination from the Supreme Being who was in need of a perfect man. Those who reach the 4th degree were said to have become the "Enlighten One" and shall be bestowed with mystical abilities. Upon reaching the 8th and the last degree, they would be told that they have attained perfection. Their aim is to influence those in power for peace on earth. During the time they were fighting the Mongols who were in power in India. This group survived till the 17th century. After that, other groups grew.
Ada suatu kumpulan di Afghanistan pada kurun ke-16 mencari illuminasi dari Yang Maha Agung dan berkemahuan akan suatu kelas manusia yang cukup semporna. Apabila mereka sampai ke tahap darjah 4 mereka akan menjadi "Enlighten One" dan akan menerima kebolehan mistik. Apabila sampai ke tahap darjah 8 atau akhir,mereka akan diberi tahu yang mereka telah mencapai tahap semporna. Tujuannya adalah untuk mempengaruh orang2 atasan untuk keharmonian didunia. Pada masa itu mereka banyak melawan orang2 Mongol yang berkuasa di India. Kumpulan ini bertapak sehingga kurun ke-17. Selepas itu lain2 kumpulan pula bertunas.
I reckon by the time Adam Weishaupt learned about all these groups and their and their rituals, he had adopted some of the doctrines and rituals for his own group( Order of Illuminati) to fight suppression by religions and to establish a religion "of reason". Be reminded that the Jews had suffered religious suppression for a long time.
Saya kira apabila Adam Weishaupt mempelajari penulisan tentang semua kumpulan2 dan amalan2 mereka, ia telah sedikit sebanyak memetik doctrine2 dan amalan2 dari mereka buat pertubuhannya sendiri untuk melawan penindasan oleh agama dan menukarnya kepada agama "of reason". Seyugia diingatkn pehak Yahudi telah lama ditindas di Eropah.
Modern masonic movement is believed to have been based on what the Knights Templars found in the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. It is believed that they had brought them home and used them till this day. Whatever they were they had caused their activities to be banned by the Catholic Church.
Pergerakan mason modern dipercayai ada banyak berdasarkan apa yang dijumpai knights templars di bekas'Temple of Solomon'. Dipercayai, mereka telah membawanya pulang dan menggunanya sehingga kehari ini. Apakah dia yang dijumpai itu sehinggga pergerakkan itu telah diharamkan oleh pehak Gereja Katolik?
The story is told that, Balkis, Queen of Sheba, had fallen in love with Hiram Abiff. Solomon was certainly displeased with this. Whilst Hiram was building the Temple, there were three smart masons who had requested for a promotion. However, Hiram had rejected the request. Another source says that the three masons had forced Hiram to reveal the secrets of the construction of the Temple. It had been said that only three people were privy to these secrets - Solomon, Hiram's King who had sent him to Solomon an Hiram himself. Hiram refused to devulge the secrets. One day Hiram was killed and buried. The three masons were charged with his murder and punished. Here I wish to emphasise on the "brotherhood" and the secrets which have been kept so well that they were willing to die for them. This is a quality valued by the "masons"
Mengikut ceritanya, Queen of Sheba, Balkis, telah jatuh cinta dengan Hiram Abiff. Sudah tentu ini tidak di senangi Solomon. Juga semasa Hiram membina Temple itu ada 3 orang mason atau tukang batu yang bijak telah meminta dinaikkan pangkat. Permintaan ini ditolak oleh Hiram. Satu lagi sumber menceritakan bahawa tukang2 batu itu telah memaksa Hiram untuk memberi tahu akan rahsia pembenaan Temple itu. Dikesahkan bahawa hanya 3 orang yang tahu akan rahsia ini - Solomon, Raja kepada Hiram yg menghantarnya ke Solomon dan Hiram sendiri. Haram enggan membuka rahsia itu. Satu hari, Hiram telah dibunuh dan ditanam dan tukang batu yang bertiga itu telah dituduh membunuh Hiram dan dihukum. Disini sy ingin menekankan tentang "pakatan" dan rahsia yang disimpan begitu rupa sehingga sanggup dibunuh. Inilah salah satunya yg diutamakan oleh "masons".
According to my notes, history of "Brotherhood" began during the time of the Sumers. I do not intend to explain it at length as it would require an open mind to accept the facts. It would suffice to know that it had been accounted in cunieform on tablets found in Iraq. They have been translated by experts.
Mengikut catatan saya, sejarah pakatan setiakawan atau Brotherhood itu sebenarnya berputik dari zaman Sumer lagi. Saya tidak berniat menceritakannya dengan lebih lanjut (saya ni memang suka bercerita) kerana ia memerlukan fikiran terbuka untuk menerima fakta2nya. Cukup dengan mengetahui bahawa cerita ini ada tertulis dalam tulisan cunieform atas batu-bata yang telah banyak dijumpai di Iraq dan diterjemahkan oleh pakar2.
To the Sumers, "Brotherhood" meant "keepers of secret things". It is said that in 1118, the Knights Templars found "scrolls" beneath the Temple of Herod. Whatever they were, they had made them rich and powerful.
Erti "Brotherhood" kepada orang2 zaman Sumer dahulu adalah "penyimpan rahsia". Ada diceritakan Knights Templers ada menemui "scrolls" pada 1118 di bawah Temple Herod pula, entahlah.....Walauapapun bendanya, ia telah menyebabkan mereka kaya dan berkuasa.
There are several stories about what was found in Jerusalem then. In brief, the Knights Templars were "Free men" not bound by the Catholic philosophy of those days. If you understand the history of Roman Catholicism, this story will be more meaningful and you will understand why the Freemason operates in secret.
Memang ada beberapa cerita tentang apa yang dijumpai di Jerusalem itu. Dipendekkan cerita, Knights Templars adalah "bebas" tidak terikat kepada garisan2 falsafah katholik pada zaman itu. Kalau kekawan faham bagaimana Roman Katolik bermula maka cerita ini akan menjadi lebih bermakna. Juga boleh difaham kenapa Freemason bergerak secara rahsia.
In 1948 the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Qumran. They were writings on copper sheets amongst which are about the history of Yehoshua(Jesus' real name) which is quite different from the version that is generally known today. The people of Qumran in those days were the Essenes who escaped from Jerusalem during the Jewish revolution.The revolution brought the destruction of Jerusalem and it's temples. The Esanees were the original followers of Yehoshua, Nasoreans. The writings on the scrolls mention about some treasure being hidden below the Temple of Herod.
Dengan penemuan Dead Sea Scrolls di Qumran pada tahun 1948 yang mengandungi penulisan atas kepingan tembaga diantaranya menceritakan tentang sejarah Yehoshua(nama sebenar Jesus) yg bukan seperti cerita rasmi yang diketahui umum sekarang. Penghuni Qumran pada masa itu terdiri daripada orang-orang Essenes yang telah melarikan diri dari Jerusalem semasa revolusi Yahudi yang membawa kemusnahan Jerusalem dan temple-templenya. Mereka adalah pengikut2 asal Yehoshua, Nasoreans. Penulisan discroll itu ada juga menceritakan yang mereka ada menyuruk harta dan penulisan lain dibawah Temple of Herod.
With this, it is believed that the Templars had obtained very original Christian documents! For sure, their practices which were different from the official Catholic's did not please the Church.
Dengan ini dipercayai bahawa Templars telah mendapatkan dokumen2 Kristian yang amat original! Sudah tentunya amalan2 mereka yang berlainan dari amalan rasmi Katholik tidak disenagi pehak Gereja.
In my opinion the founding fathers of Freemason had good intentions i.e.having a moral system for members of the masonic craft based on brotherhood, love and truth. However, the brotherhood, had been infiltrated by the Illuminati and many real "masons" left Freemason.
Pada pendapat saya pengasas Freemason mempunyai cita2 murni ia itu satu sistem moral buat ahli2 kraf "mason" dengan berprinsipkan setiakawan, penyayang dan kebenaran diantaranya. Akan tetapi, kumpulan ini telah diresapi Illuminati dan ramai ahli2 yang sebenarnya "mason" telah meninggalkan Freemason.
To my knowledge, the term "Illuminati" had been used in different context by different groups e.g. "Illuminated Ones" (11th century). A german group, "Illuminati" in 15th century claimed to have been illuminated by Satan, said to be an angel from heaven called Lucifer/Iblis, the bearer of light.
Pada pengetahuan saya, perkataan "Illuminati" telah digunakan dalam beberapa cara oleh beberapa kumpulan seperti "Illuminated Ones" (kurun ke-11). Suatu kumpulan Jerman "Illuminati" dalam kurun ke-15 mengaku mendapat cahaya dari Satan yang difahami sebagai malaikat di syurga bernama Lucifer/Iblis, ia adalah pembawa cahaya.
There was another group in Afghanistan in the 16th century, said to be searching for illumination from the Supreme Being who was in need of a perfect man. Those who reach the 4th degree were said to have become the "Enlighten One" and shall be bestowed with mystical abilities. Upon reaching the 8th and the last degree, they would be told that they have attained perfection. Their aim is to influence those in power for peace on earth. During the time they were fighting the Mongols who were in power in India. This group survived till the 17th century. After that, other groups grew.
Ada suatu kumpulan di Afghanistan pada kurun ke-16 mencari illuminasi dari Yang Maha Agung dan berkemahuan akan suatu kelas manusia yang cukup semporna. Apabila mereka sampai ke tahap darjah 4 mereka akan menjadi "Enlighten One" dan akan menerima kebolehan mistik. Apabila sampai ke tahap darjah 8 atau akhir,mereka akan diberi tahu yang mereka telah mencapai tahap semporna. Tujuannya adalah untuk mempengaruh orang2 atasan untuk keharmonian didunia. Pada masa itu mereka banyak melawan orang2 Mongol yang berkuasa di India. Kumpulan ini bertapak sehingga kurun ke-17. Selepas itu lain2 kumpulan pula bertunas.
I reckon by the time Adam Weishaupt learned about all these groups and their and their rituals, he had adopted some of the doctrines and rituals for his own group( Order of Illuminati) to fight suppression by religions and to establish a religion "of reason". Be reminded that the Jews had suffered religious suppression for a long time.
Saya kira apabila Adam Weishaupt mempelajari penulisan tentang semua kumpulan2 dan amalan2 mereka, ia telah sedikit sebanyak memetik doctrine2 dan amalan2 dari mereka buat pertubuhannya sendiri untuk melawan penindasan oleh agama dan menukarnya kepada agama "of reason". Seyugia diingatkn pehak Yahudi telah lama ditindas di Eropah.
The Battle of Ayn Jalut
From one perspective, the battle in the Valley of Ayn Jalut, not far from Jerusalem, the victory of the Mamluk from Egypt was hailed as a milestone in the history of the Muslim Empire. How come the Mongols were defeated?
Mongke Khan's(grandson of Genghis Khan)expansionist policy had earlier seen the Mongols pushing westwards into the Muslim territories. The forces were led by his brother Hulagu. After the fall of the Hashshashin in Persia, the 500-year-old Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad, and the Ayyubid dynasty in Damascus. Hulagu's plan was to then proceed southwards through Palestine towards Egypt, to confront the last major Islamic power, the Mamluk Sultanate. Their envoys to the court of Qutuz in Cairo delivering the demand for his surrender had been killed and their heads had been displayed over one of the gates of the city.
Fate had it that news of the death of Mongke Khan who was campaigning in China was soon to be received. With this a large size of the Mongol army was withdrawn to return home for an impending decision on the successor. The Great Khan was always chosen from the best in the family of Genghis. Only one commander and about 15,000 men and Syrian conscripts were left behind to guard the borders of Damascus.
Two groups of Crusaders were the first to harass the Mongols. The Mongols retaliated and the cities of Sidon and Beirut were destroyed. The Templars were reduced to bits. It could be that the Crusaders had entised the Mongols to enter Palestine to help him achieve Muslims' release of their hold of the region. In fact Hulagu, whose wife was a Christian, had earlier agreed to the alliance. However, when Hulahu withdrew a big portion of his army, the Crusaders decided to have a go at them instead. That was why they were completely destroyed by the Mongol.
On the other front, the Mamluk, tired of waiting for the Mongol.decided to attack the Mongol instead. First they defeared a Mongol border petrol. With that in hand, the Mamluk proceeded into the Valley of Ayn Jalut. It was a tough battle , 50-50. The Syrian conscript bolted and the Mongol commander wad killed there. The detail of the battle is interesting. While it was a fight to the death they, the Mamluk did not meet the full force of the Mongol army.....
After that the Mamluk went on to conquer Damascus dan Aleppo. Due to development elsewhere in the Mongol Empire, the Mongols never returned to Syria.
The Mamluk Sultan was Qutuz. It is said that his wife died in the battle.
More Mongols.....
My blabbering continues herewith...
Do you know that in Genghis Khan' time, the laws of the Mongols allowed men to take as many wives they wanted. However, it was the rich who would ultimately take multiple wives. I suppose this was for practicality and survival of the tribe. I had read somewhere in the case of the Red Indians of North America they would simply leave the widows in the snow to die as a woman without a man to look after her, would impose a heavy burden on the rest of the tribe. It is after all looking at the same issue from a different angle. It is said that the polygamous practice ensured all women to be eventually married and hence the celibacy of their men.....
Marriage with their father's widow's were also allowed except their own mother. So would marriage with sisters except their sisters from the same mother.
Genghis was betrothed at the age of nine. According to tradition, prospective husband would stay with his prospective bride's family. The prospective couple would then be able to acclimatise with one another. However, you know that Genghis' died on the way home from the betrothal. So he was forced to return to his family after which many things befell him. History is told that he was able to return to his betrothed 7 years later.
Nothing much is said of his wedding but not long after that his wife was kidnapped by another tribe said to be in revenge for what his father had done. You see wife kidnapping had been a way of many Asian Minor tribes, some persist even until today. Gangis' mum had also been kidnapped from her tribe by his dad.
The mongols were regarded as disciplined. This may have been due to the death penalty for espionage, betrayal, stealing, adultery and 3 times bankrupt merchants.
Genghis is renown for his codes and laws. They were usually tolerant and indifferent towards religion. Priests and religious institutions were free from taxation. Traditionally the Mongols practised Sharmanism and the belief of life after death was evident in their funerary practices. It is also told how Genghis had ordered his commander, Jebe to lead twenty thousand Mongol soldiers across the length of Asia and defend the Muslims of Balasagun.
As the Mongols had conducted the campaign at the request of the Uighur Muslims, they did not allow plunder, destroy property, or endanger the lives of civilians. Instead, Jebe's army had defeated the army of Guchlug and beheaded him. Following the execution, the Mongols sent a herald to Kashgar to proclaim the end of religious persecution and the restoration of religious freedom in each community. According to the Persian historian Juvaini, the people of Kashgar proclaimed the Mongols "to be one of the mercies of the Lord and one of the bounties of divine grace."
Although Persian and other Muslim chroniclers recorded the episode in tremendous detail, the Secret History of the Mongols summed up the entire campaign in one simple sentence. "Jebe pursued Guchlug Khan of the Naiman, overtook him at the Yellow Cliff, destroyed him, and came home." From the Mongol perspective, that is probably all that mattered. Jebe had killed the enemy and returned home safely.
Mongol Expedition to Japan
A lot had been said about Mongol expedition to conquer Japan amongst which was the cause of the downfall of the Mongol Empire
There may be some truth in that. Pethaps, if Kubilai Khan had given more focus on the management of his Yuan Dynasty, it might have shone longer and brighter(?) Perhaps it was the urge of expansion was simply the manifestation of a great Mongol traditional. As there was not much more land the Mongols had not conquered, Japan became the the next target. There were many campaigns on Japan but two became very well known as they almost bankrupted the Empire and tarnished the image of Kubilai.
The first was in 1274. As usual Mongol would first send a demand for submission of it's adversary. However Japan's "insolent" reply caused the Mongols to prepare for war.The Koreans were pressganged to provide the fleet and sailors to carry 20,000 troops......perhaps more than enough to deal with the illequipped Japanese. It was indeed a very easy progress for the Mongols. However, the night after Mongol landing in Japan, a storm blew up and the Korean sailors insisted that they set to sea least their ships would be dashed against the rocks and be destroyed and they would have no means of retreat after that. The Koreans may be right, but once at sea they were scattered by the winds ......13.000 lives were lost. The Mongols withdrew.
The second expedition was in 1280 after the defeat of Sung. Kubilai wanted revenge on Japan. This time 900 ships brought 40,000 troops from Northern China and 100,000 Chinese from Southern China. This time, the Japanese in Kyushu Island were more prepared. They had built a fort. They battled for two months but fate would have the typhoon wind to blow up again. The Koreans again asked for a retreat to sea. In the melee 60,000 troops drowned or slaughtered trying to get off the beach.
Many sources blamed the Koreans. However, it could also be the lack of knowledge of the weather in Japan. It was unlikely that they were lacking in naval warfare as the Sung Dynasty had been defeated in a naval warfare......
Genghis Khan
Indeed Genghis Khan is among my favourite heroes. I have two books on him - "Genghis Khan" by Michel Hoang and the other, "Storm From The East" by Robert Marshall. Not too long ago, while recuperating from tendon operation in my right leg a dear friend had lent me some DVD of Chinese series on Genghis Khan. Theh were simply wonderful.
Sure, Europe called him and his people barbarians. Yet surprisingly, they were very tolerant towards religions, unlike some of European Empire. If only Genghis Khan had not died early (he is said to have fallen off a horse in his 60s) he might have taken the whole of Europe. His grave remains unknown till this day. All those who witnessed the burial ceremony were killed so that his remains lay undisturbed.
In the year 1295, Ghazan Ilkhan converted to Islam and hence persia and Mesopotamia returned to Islam till today. Ghazan introduced many reformation in it's government, economy, taxes and judiciary. His brother, Olgietu who became the next Ilkhan continued the reformation of his realm, much in the expression of arts - poetry, paintings, ceremic and above all, architecture. His new city, Sultaniyya became well known with his octagonal buildings. His monuments were masterpieces and his mausoleum became one of the greatest Islamic landmarks.
Oljeitu's son, Abu Sa'id became the first Ilkhan with a Muslim name.It brought the golden age of Mongol era - economy boomed and there was peace. Unfortunately, Abu Sa'id died heirless in 1335. Many non-Muslim elite left while the rest became absorbed into the local population.Mongol control on Persia ceased and the Ilkhanate disappearsd Persia then drifted into a period of ununified government until 30 years later Timur The Lama (Tamerlane,a Turki-Mongol warrior appeared from Samarqand.
On another front, Ozbeg Khan of the Golden Horde (Jochi-Batu line) officially embraced Islam in 1313 and all Muslim nations in the Middle East rejoiced. They maintained good relations with the Christian West. Mosques were built by Mamluk Egyptian architects. Ozbeg too did not have an heir. Soon after the Khanate seemed to languish and numerous puppet Khan became the order of the day.
On yet another front, in 1529 Babur of the Chaghdai Khanate escaped to Northern India an defeated the Lodi Dynasty. Henceforth began the Moghul Dynasty whose centre was in Agra.They built beautiful gardens,and famous palaces and forts which are known till today like the Taj Mahal.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
The sacred books of Judaism consist of the Bible, Talmud and Midrash
It contains stories of relationship with God. It is divided into three parts with a total of 24 books:
1.1. The Torah (which means “a teaching”)
It consist of 5 books of the Pentateuch given directly by God to Moses on Mt. Sinai; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy.
They contain the principles of faith, the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and laws of holiness. It is both the biography of Moses and the history of the beginning of the Jewish nation.
The Torah became established as Jewish law about the 5th Century B.C.
1.2. The Prophets
These are recordings of what God said to his prophets in 8 books, the first being a combination of 12 books: Combi(Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkum, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, Malachi), Joshua, Judges, Samuel(2 sections), Kings(2 sections), Jeramiah, Ezakiel & Isaiah.
1.3. The Writings
Consist of 11 books written by prophets with the the guidance of HaShem (God) : Psalms(David’s Zabur) Proverbs, Jobs, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Daniel, Nehenuach & Chronicles
It is a rabbinic works of a collection of 6 books containing information on traditions given by Moses verbally and not yet written during Christ’s time. Christ condemned the teachings of the earlier Jerusalem/Palestine Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud is widely used now. They are basically Books of Law and address the issue sof applying rules of the Torah to different circumstances.
It deals with agriculture, seasons, women, damages, holy things such as sacrifice, and purites i.e. ritual purities.
With increasing suppressions by the Romans in Judea and fear of loss of oral traditions, both the writing of the Jerusalem/Palestine and Babylonian Talmud perhaps were started at the same time. However, due to the prevailing situation in Judea and when Constantine endorsed Christianity, it got worst, the Jerusalem/Palestine Talmud was hastily put together and was redacted in 350 B.C.much earlier than the Babylonian Talmud. It is difficult to understand and also it’s focus is more on the land of Israel.
The Babylonian Talmud had the benefit of more Jewish scholars and time. It was completed only in 550 A.D. When the Jews return to Jerusalem, the Babylonian Talmud became more popular and widely studied. However, it referred to Jesus’s teachings as heretical.
It is a rabbical compilation of verse by verse interpretation of the scriptures consisting of biblical folklore (Midrash Haggadah) and ethical teaching (Midrash Halakah) and reflect the faith of the difficult times Jews have encountered.
It contains stories of relationship with God. It is divided into three parts with a total of 24 books:
1.1. The Torah (which means “a teaching”)
It consist of 5 books of the Pentateuch given directly by God to Moses on Mt. Sinai; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy.
They contain the principles of faith, the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and laws of holiness. It is both the biography of Moses and the history of the beginning of the Jewish nation.
The Torah became established as Jewish law about the 5th Century B.C.
1.2. The Prophets
These are recordings of what God said to his prophets in 8 books, the first being a combination of 12 books: Combi(Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkum, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, Malachi), Joshua, Judges, Samuel(2 sections), Kings(2 sections), Jeramiah, Ezakiel & Isaiah.
1.3. The Writings
Consist of 11 books written by prophets with the the guidance of HaShem (God) : Psalms(David’s Zabur) Proverbs, Jobs, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Daniel, Nehenuach & Chronicles
It is a rabbinic works of a collection of 6 books containing information on traditions given by Moses verbally and not yet written during Christ’s time. Christ condemned the teachings of the earlier Jerusalem/Palestine Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud is widely used now. They are basically Books of Law and address the issue sof applying rules of the Torah to different circumstances.
It deals with agriculture, seasons, women, damages, holy things such as sacrifice, and purites i.e. ritual purities.
With increasing suppressions by the Romans in Judea and fear of loss of oral traditions, both the writing of the Jerusalem/Palestine and Babylonian Talmud perhaps were started at the same time. However, due to the prevailing situation in Judea and when Constantine endorsed Christianity, it got worst, the Jerusalem/Palestine Talmud was hastily put together and was redacted in 350 B.C.much earlier than the Babylonian Talmud. It is difficult to understand and also it’s focus is more on the land of Israel.
The Babylonian Talmud had the benefit of more Jewish scholars and time. It was completed only in 550 A.D. When the Jews return to Jerusalem, the Babylonian Talmud became more popular and widely studied. However, it referred to Jesus’s teachings as heretical.
It is a rabbical compilation of verse by verse interpretation of the scriptures consisting of biblical folklore (Midrash Haggadah) and ethical teaching (Midrash Halakah) and reflect the faith of the difficult times Jews have encountered.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
The Kingdom of Israel was once divided into two. The Northern Kingdom was for the House of Israel (10 tribes) while the Southern Kingdom was for the House of Judah (2 tribes -Judah and Benjamin). The tribe of Levi was not given any land. They were given the priesthood and allowed to live where ever they wanted. The tribe of Dan did not go to war against Canaan with the rest went. They settle north of the Northern Kingdom as pagans.
The lost tribes were the House of Israel. It is said that it was the House of Israel that was brought to Babylonia during the First Diaspora. They were not lost....they just changed name. Experts in the study of names and history could trace them scattered throughout Europe especially in Scandinavia, Holland, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, British Isles, North Afrika as well as India.
The lost tribes were the House of Israel. It is said that it was the House of Israel that was brought to Babylonia during the First Diaspora. They were not lost....they just changed name. Experts in the study of names and history could trace them scattered throughout Europe especially in Scandinavia, Holland, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, British Isles, North Afrika as well as India.
Bani Israel, Jews & Ashkenazi Jews
Initially, Bani Israel consisted of 14 tribes of the descendents of children of Jacob (Yaakup AS). Later on, Joseph (Yusuf AS) was excluded while his children Ephraim dan Manasseh became 1/2 tribe hence leaving only 12 tribes. They led a semitic life in the dessert areas between Sinai, present Jordan and the mountains of Syria before they infiltrated into Canaan and Palestine 3 times.
It is said that King Solomon fell away from God towards the later part of his life and after his death, his son reverted to idol worship and lost half the kingdom as the result of the rebellion of the 10 tribes . The kingdom split into the northern Kingdom of Israel and the smaller southern Kingdom of Judah. It is said that all the kings of the Kingdom of Israel were cruel and many of them met with violent death. The Kingdom was finally destroyed by the Assyrians in 722 BCE and the tribes were scattered.
Meanwhile, Judah tribe, the largest of them all, together with half of Benjamin who still preserved their religion became known as Jews (Yahudi). the They had a better record than the northern kingdom. Their kings of the line of David served God until a marriage with a member of the court of the northern kingdom broke David's line. All the kings henceforth were wicked and the kingdom was later swept off by the Babylonians in 566 BCE. Thousands of other Bani Israel were absorbed when they were brought to Babylonia during the First Diaspora. The diaspora lasted two generations.
It is said for the sake of survival they developed a unique type of social organization with only minor adaptation when necessary - they maintained their religion, separateness and communal brotherhood. After being released by King Cyrus, only a few returned to Jerusalem. Previously when they were in Jerusalem, most of them had been farmers. While in Babylon where land was waterlogged, they had learned to live as merchants.
Another report says that in fact, only the professionals, the wealthy and craftsmen were deported to Babylonia to begin life in exile. Ordinary people were allowed to stay back. Another group settled in Egypt.
Whatever the case may be, most of them had choosen to remain in Babylon after they were set free. Some went to other countries and henceforth the Second Diaspora.
The descendants of Jacoh's twin brother Esau-Edom were later called Edomite. While they were Hebrew , they were never Jews. Later they went into Spain and Portugal and settled there until they were evicted in 1492. These people were called Sephardic Jews. Israel later accepted them.
Noah's great-gfrandson, Ashkenaz, lived in Babylon. His descendants were later called Ashkenazi Jew. They were not Semitic nor Hebrew nor Bani Israel.
Then there were the Khazars who were a Turkic people who originated in Central Asia. The early Turkic tribes were quite diverse, although it is believed that reddish hair was predominant among them prior to the Mongol conquests. In the beginning, the Khazars believed in Tengri shamanism, spoke a Turkic language, and were nomadic. In the 7th century, they founded the independent Khaganate of Khazaria and later under King Bulan, adopted Judaism as the official religion. They called themselves Ashkenazi Jews. In the 10th century, the Russians broke their power and the Khazars disappeared westwards into Hungary, Romania and Poland mixing with other Jewish communities.
Today Ashkenazi Jews constitute 90% of today's Jews and almost 1/2 of them are in the US. Most of the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh are now in England and the US.
New World Order - How Did It Begin?
I reckon "New World Order"(NWO) has become well known after the Gulf War. Even some of our politicians have been using the term "Oder Baru Dunia" but did anyone explain what it means??
The term was first used by Hitler many years ago. Then in 1940 the Duke of Winsor then Governor of Bahamas, said "..whatever happens.....a NWO is going to come into the world..." In 1968 it was used by Nelson Rockerfeller when he talked about working towards the creation of the NWO. These are a few of the early users of this term.
The question is what, wouldn't a one world government ruled by a king with supernatural powers descended from a divine race (of the order of the illuminated) make this world one happy family?
The term was first used by Hitler many years ago. Then in 1940 the Duke of Winsor then Governor of Bahamas, said "..whatever happens.....a NWO is going to come into the world..." In 1968 it was used by Nelson Rockerfeller when he talked about working towards the creation of the NWO. These are a few of the early users of this term.
The question is what, wouldn't a one world government ruled by a king with supernatural powers descended from a divine race (of the order of the illuminated) make this world one happy family?
Illuminati - How It Began .....
To my knowledge, the term "Illuminati" has been used by various groups such as the "Illuminated Ones" in the 11th century. A 15th century German "Illuminati" group claimed to have received illumination from Satan, believed to be the angel from heaven, Lucifer, said to be the bearer of light
There was another group in Afghanistan during the 16th century in search of illumination from the Supreme Being and in need of a class of perfect human beings. Upon attaining the 4th degree level, members would become the "Enlighten One" and would receive mystical abilities. When they attained the 8th degree level, they were told to have become perfect. All this was to foster influence among the elite for peace on Earth. At the same time they were warring the Mongols who were the power in India. This group existed until the 17th century. After that other groups or brotherhood began to mushroom.
I guess when Adam Weishaupt studied the writings on the brotherhoods and their practices, he had already adopted their doctrines and practices in his own brotherhood to stand up against religious suppression and also to change their religion to a religion "of reason".
There was another group in Afghanistan during the 16th century in search of illumination from the Supreme Being and in need of a class of perfect human beings. Upon attaining the 4th degree level, members would become the "Enlighten One" and would receive mystical abilities. When they attained the 8th degree level, they were told to have become perfect. All this was to foster influence among the elite for peace on Earth. At the same time they were warring the Mongols who were the power in India. This group existed until the 17th century. After that other groups or brotherhood began to mushroom.
I guess when Adam Weishaupt studied the writings on the brotherhoods and their practices, he had already adopted their doctrines and practices in his own brotherhood to stand up against religious suppression and also to change their religion to a religion "of reason".
Why World Domination?
I guess we need to revisit time in history which ultimately brings me back to what was found by the Templars in the Temple of Herod. Thus far I managed to put together the following facts:
1. It has been told the true descendants of Yehoshua have been maintained through the royal Merovingian bloodline which was later absorbed into the Europe's royalty. Tales about the mysterious Holy Grail are said to be really related to this bloodline originating from Mary Magdelina said to be Yehoshua's wife.
2. In 1948, the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Qumran. They consist of writings on copper sheets amongst which are about the history of Yehoshua, quite unlike the official version we have become used to. In those days, the settlers of Qumran were the Essanes. They had escaped the Jewish Revolution in Jerusalem which had destroyed the city and it's temples. The Essenes were the original followers of Yehoshua, Nasoreans. The writings on the scrolls tell about the hidden treasures and other writings below the Temple of Herod.
It is believed that the Templars had obtained the original Christian document. As such, their practices were different from those of the official Catholuic and this did not meet the pleasure of the Church.
3. It is also said that a copy of "The Secret Destiny of America" and the "Book of Thoth" found in the ancient temple ruins of Egypt hidden and buried under a church built in 1715 together it's decoder, maps, instructions, gold and inventions ahead of time. It is believed these stuff were acquired by the Illuminati when they infiltrated into FM Lodges.
Why then the "Book of Troth" from Egypt? It is believed that the civilization of Egypt was initiated by the people of Sumer. Troth is believed to be the other name of Enoch , the Prophet Idris PUH. He had moved to Egypt. This book tells of the origin of the generation of giants, most of whom lived in the times before The Flood. Thay taught men various knowledge such as astrology,astronomy, medicine etc. They were called the Fallen Angels. In Sitchin's writings they were also known as Annunaki. I am also reminded of the narrative by my ustazregarding Haroot and Maroot who had been given Allah's permission to descend to Earth to teach magic/"sihir" to test the faith of men. Satan had used this opportunity to divide the human race and then put the blame on Solomon whom he purported to have used "sihir" too
Anyway, the Illuminati had acquired certain "knowledge" which was usually referred to as secrets often wrapped up in mysticism.
1. It has been told the true descendants of Yehoshua have been maintained through the royal Merovingian bloodline which was later absorbed into the Europe's royalty. Tales about the mysterious Holy Grail are said to be really related to this bloodline originating from Mary Magdelina said to be Yehoshua's wife.
2. In 1948, the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Qumran. They consist of writings on copper sheets amongst which are about the history of Yehoshua, quite unlike the official version we have become used to. In those days, the settlers of Qumran were the Essanes. They had escaped the Jewish Revolution in Jerusalem which had destroyed the city and it's temples. The Essenes were the original followers of Yehoshua, Nasoreans. The writings on the scrolls tell about the hidden treasures and other writings below the Temple of Herod.
It is believed that the Templars had obtained the original Christian document. As such, their practices were different from those of the official Catholuic and this did not meet the pleasure of the Church.
3. It is also said that a copy of "The Secret Destiny of America" and the "Book of Thoth" found in the ancient temple ruins of Egypt hidden and buried under a church built in 1715 together it's decoder, maps, instructions, gold and inventions ahead of time. It is believed these stuff were acquired by the Illuminati when they infiltrated into FM Lodges.
Why then the "Book of Troth" from Egypt? It is believed that the civilization of Egypt was initiated by the people of Sumer. Troth is believed to be the other name of Enoch , the Prophet Idris PUH. He had moved to Egypt. This book tells of the origin of the generation of giants, most of whom lived in the times before The Flood. Thay taught men various knowledge such as astrology,astronomy, medicine etc. They were called the Fallen Angels. In Sitchin's writings they were also known as Annunaki. I am also reminded of the narrative by my ustazregarding Haroot and Maroot who had been given Allah's permission to descend to Earth to teach magic/"sihir" to test the faith of men. Satan had used this opportunity to divide the human race and then put the blame on Solomon whom he purported to have used "sihir" too
Anyway, the Illuminati had acquired certain "knowledge" which was usually referred to as secrets often wrapped up in mysticism.
Politics n Govt
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Hurricane RITA
I have no experience with hurricane conditions but the following email I received from a friend, a former classmate, living in Lafayette, Louisiana , USA helped me with some vivid insight as to what one could be ..............!
"Hi All,
We survived. Even though we were not in it's direct path, we were on the eastern sector of the hurricane, the "bad side", here winds are always the strongest.
Our winds picked up to 30-40 mph with gusts of 50 -70 mph around 3pm Friday and then the rains started. Rita was to have hit Texas but it ended up in southwest Louisiana, less than 100 miles west of Lafayette. It was really too late for us to leave, even if we had wanted to. We rode out Lily three years ago but that was a smaller hurricane even if it passed barely 20 miles west of us and it moved fast. Rita took its time.
By 8pm, things were whirling around. Felix went to bed at 10pm. I stayed up watching the tornadic cells popping up ever so often. By midnight, we were getting winds of 50-70mph with gusts close to 100mph. The roof sounded like it would take off and you could hear things hitting around. We lost TV signals around that time but never lost power. All around Lafayette, the radio stations were announcing power outage, downed trees etc. We were lucky we never lost power. The strong winds carried on for about 6 hours and when day broke, we looked out and there were tree limbs everywhere. We did not board up (a few houses in the subdivision did) because it was not supposed to be this strong, But Rita waggled more northwesterly when she made landfall and stalled!!!
Anyway, it is now 10.30am our time - rain is still very heavy and winds are around 20mph with gusts of 40-50 mph. We are expecting this type of weather for the next couple of days until Rita decided where she wants to go. She is still stalling in northwest Louisianan like an unwelcomed guest."
We are thankful that we here are free from such natural disaster.
The Beginning of The Masonic Movement
Modern masonic movement is believed to have been largely based on what the Knights Templars found in the ruins of the "Temple of Solomon". It is believed that they have brought it back and used it until the present day. What was it that they found that had caused the Catholic Church to outlaw them?
Pergerakan mason modern dipercayai ada banyak berdasarkan apa yang dijumpai knights templars di bekas'Temple of Solomon'. Dipercayai, mereka telah membawanya pulang dan menggunanya sehingga kehari ini. Apakah dia yang dijumpai itu sehingga pergerakkan itu telah diharamkan oleh pehak Gereja Katolik?
According to one story, Balkis, Queen of Sheba, had fallen in love with Hiram Abiff, the architect of the Temple of Solomon. This displeased Solomon.At that time Hiram Abiff was building the Temple. Three expert masons had asked for a promotion which was eventually rejected by Hiram. On day, Hiram was killed and buried. The three masons were accused of the murder and were subsequently punished.
Mengikut ceritanya, Queen of Sheba, Balkis, telah jatuh cinta dengan Hiram Abiff, arkitek Temple Solomon. Sudah tentu ini tidak di senangi Solomon. Juga semasa Hiram Abiff membina Temple itu ada 3 orang mason atau tukang batu yang bijak telah meminta dinaikkan pangkat. Permintaan ini telah ditolak oleh Hiram. Suatu hari, Hiram telah di bunuh dan ditanam dan tukang batu yang bertiga itu telah dituduh membunuh Hiram dan dihukum.
Another version says that the masons had asked Hiram Abiff of the "secret" of the temple building. The secret is said to be known only to Solomon, King Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abiff himself who was also from Tyre. Hiram Abiff refused to impart the secret to the masons and for that he was killed.
Satu lagi cerita mengatakan tukang-tukang itu telah meminta "rahsia" pembenaan temple itu dari Hiram Abiff. Rahsia ini hanya diketahui oleh Solomon, Raja Hiram dari Tyre dan Hiram Abiff sendiri yang berasal dari Tyre. Oleh kerana Hiram Abiff tidak memberikan "rahsia" itu ia telah dibunuh oleh tukang-tukang itu.
With reference to my notations, the history of "brotherhood" began during the Sumerian era. It is related in the cunieform etchings discovered in Iraq and they have been translated by experts.
Mengikut catatan saya, sejarah pakatan setiakawan sebenarnya berputik dari zaman Sumer lagi. Cerita ini ada tertulis dalam tulisan cunieform atas batu-bata yang telah banyak dijumpai di Iraq dan diterjemahkan oleh pakar-pakar.
Brotherhood to the Sumerians are the "keepers of secret things". It is told that the Knights Templars found scrolls in 1118 below the Temple of Herod......Whatever they were, they have made one Knight Templar, Prince Henry Sinclair from Scotland to send an armada consisting of 13 ships to sail until they reach Nova Scotia in 1399, almost 100 years before the birth of Christopher Colombus.
Erti setiakawan "brotherhood" kepada orang-orang zaman Sumer dahulu adalah penyimpan rahsia. Mengikut ceritanya Knights Templers ada menemui "scrolls" pada 1118 di bawah Temple Herod pula, entahlah.....Walauapapun bendanya, ia telah menyebabkan seorang Knight Templar, Prince Henry Sinclair dari Scotland menggerakkan satu armada yg mengandungi 13 kapal berlayar hingga keNova Scotia pada 1399 hampir 100 tahun sebelum Christopher Colombus dilahirkan.
So, what the Knights Templars found must have been very important information - secret things??
Jadi, apa yang ditemui oleh Knights Templars itu pastinya informasi yang amat penting - perkara rahsia??
Haa! It was said, when Knights Templars were excommunicated in Europe by the Catholic Pope in 1398, many of them escaped to Scotland. Henry Sinclair, with his group set sail in search of a place/land which was marked as a star on a scroll. This star was named "la Merica". While in Jerusalem, he had also heard of land in the west.So do you ever wonder why that land is now called America??
Haa! Mengikut satu cerita ni, apabila Knights Templars diharamkan di Eropah oleh Pope Katholik pada 1398, ramai knights lari ke Scotland. Henry Sinclair dengan kumpulan berlayar mencari suatu tempat /tanah darat yang di tanda dengan bintang di atas "scroll". Bintang itu bernama "la Merica". Juga semasa di Jerusalem beliau ada mendengar cerita tentang negeri di barat. Adakah terfikir mengapa tanah itu sekarang dikenali sebagai Amerika??
athere are several versions on what was found in Jerusalem. In short, the Knights Templars were "Free men". They were not bound by the limits of Catholic philosophy
of the day. If you know how Roman Catholicism started, this story would be more meaningful and you would also understand why Freemason movement is highly secretive
Memang ada beberapa cerita tentang apa yang dijumpai di Jerusalem itu. Dipendekkan cerita, Knights Templars adalah "Free men" tidak terikat kepada garisan2 falsafah katholik pada zaman itu. Kalau kekawan faham bagaimana Roman Katolik bermula maka cerita ini akan menjadi lebih bermakna. Juga boleh difaham juga kenapa Freemason bergerak secara rahsia.
Pergerakan mason modern dipercayai ada banyak berdasarkan apa yang dijumpai knights templars di bekas'Temple of Solomon'. Dipercayai, mereka telah membawanya pulang dan menggunanya sehingga kehari ini. Apakah dia yang dijumpai itu sehingga pergerakkan itu telah diharamkan oleh pehak Gereja Katolik?
According to one story, Balkis, Queen of Sheba, had fallen in love with Hiram Abiff, the architect of the Temple of Solomon. This displeased Solomon.At that time Hiram Abiff was building the Temple. Three expert masons had asked for a promotion which was eventually rejected by Hiram. On day, Hiram was killed and buried. The three masons were accused of the murder and were subsequently punished.
Mengikut ceritanya, Queen of Sheba, Balkis, telah jatuh cinta dengan Hiram Abiff, arkitek Temple Solomon. Sudah tentu ini tidak di senangi Solomon. Juga semasa Hiram Abiff membina Temple itu ada 3 orang mason atau tukang batu yang bijak telah meminta dinaikkan pangkat. Permintaan ini telah ditolak oleh Hiram. Suatu hari, Hiram telah di bunuh dan ditanam dan tukang batu yang bertiga itu telah dituduh membunuh Hiram dan dihukum.
Another version says that the masons had asked Hiram Abiff of the "secret" of the temple building. The secret is said to be known only to Solomon, King Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abiff himself who was also from Tyre. Hiram Abiff refused to impart the secret to the masons and for that he was killed.
Satu lagi cerita mengatakan tukang-tukang itu telah meminta "rahsia" pembenaan temple itu dari Hiram Abiff. Rahsia ini hanya diketahui oleh Solomon, Raja Hiram dari Tyre dan Hiram Abiff sendiri yang berasal dari Tyre. Oleh kerana Hiram Abiff tidak memberikan "rahsia" itu ia telah dibunuh oleh tukang-tukang itu.
With reference to my notations, the history of "brotherhood" began during the Sumerian era. It is related in the cunieform etchings discovered in Iraq and they have been translated by experts.
Mengikut catatan saya, sejarah pakatan setiakawan sebenarnya berputik dari zaman Sumer lagi. Cerita ini ada tertulis dalam tulisan cunieform atas batu-bata yang telah banyak dijumpai di Iraq dan diterjemahkan oleh pakar-pakar.
Brotherhood to the Sumerians are the "keepers of secret things". It is told that the Knights Templars found scrolls in 1118 below the Temple of Herod......Whatever they were, they have made one Knight Templar, Prince Henry Sinclair from Scotland to send an armada consisting of 13 ships to sail until they reach Nova Scotia in 1399, almost 100 years before the birth of Christopher Colombus.
Erti setiakawan "brotherhood" kepada orang-orang zaman Sumer dahulu adalah penyimpan rahsia. Mengikut ceritanya Knights Templers ada menemui "scrolls" pada 1118 di bawah Temple Herod pula, entahlah.....Walauapapun bendanya, ia telah menyebabkan seorang Knight Templar, Prince Henry Sinclair dari Scotland menggerakkan satu armada yg mengandungi 13 kapal berlayar hingga keNova Scotia pada 1399 hampir 100 tahun sebelum Christopher Colombus dilahirkan.
So, what the Knights Templars found must have been very important information - secret things??
Jadi, apa yang ditemui oleh Knights Templars itu pastinya informasi yang amat penting - perkara rahsia??
Haa! It was said, when Knights Templars were excommunicated in Europe by the Catholic Pope in 1398, many of them escaped to Scotland. Henry Sinclair, with his group set sail in search of a place/land which was marked as a star on a scroll. This star was named "la Merica". While in Jerusalem, he had also heard of land in the west.So do you ever wonder why that land is now called America??
Haa! Mengikut satu cerita ni, apabila Knights Templars diharamkan di Eropah oleh Pope Katholik pada 1398, ramai knights lari ke Scotland. Henry Sinclair dengan kumpulan berlayar mencari suatu tempat /tanah darat yang di tanda dengan bintang di atas "scroll". Bintang itu bernama "la Merica". Juga semasa di Jerusalem beliau ada mendengar cerita tentang negeri di barat. Adakah terfikir mengapa tanah itu sekarang dikenali sebagai Amerika??
athere are several versions on what was found in Jerusalem. In short, the Knights Templars were "Free men". They were not bound by the limits of Catholic philosophy
of the day. If you know how Roman Catholicism started, this story would be more meaningful and you would also understand why Freemason movement is highly secretive
Memang ada beberapa cerita tentang apa yang dijumpai di Jerusalem itu. Dipendekkan cerita, Knights Templars adalah "Free men" tidak terikat kepada garisan2 falsafah katholik pada zaman itu. Kalau kekawan faham bagaimana Roman Katolik bermula maka cerita ini akan menjadi lebih bermakna. Juga boleh difaham juga kenapa Freemason bergerak secara rahsia.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
A Short Background To the Arab-Jew Conflict
Jews - responding to Hitler's systemic extermination of Jews of the west, there was a need to save themselves by creating a state in a land occupied by Arabs for centuries.
Arabs - were just emerging from western colonialism and rediscovering themselves their own national identities.
The two clashed and fought with deepest emotions, both believing in the will of God, morality, reason and law.
Farmers(agriculturists and artisans) have been encouraged by the Zionist movement, to settle in Palestine. Land was purchased by rich European Jews from the absent landlords (Turks not Arabs as the Ottomans were defeated only in 1918). By 1914 60,000 Russian & Polish Jews had arrived. All in, 100,000 acres of land had been purchased. There were 600,000 Palestinians living in Palestine. Zionist then pursuaded British to proclaim a national home for the Jewish. The British offered Uganda(now in Kenya). Though their leader, Herzl, was for it as a temporary measure, he died soon after at the age of 44 of a heart attack and pneumonia. The Zionists rejected the offer in 1904 as indeed they had other agenda.
British declared it's support for a jewish homeland in Palestine (Belfour Declaration) but was objected by native Palestinians more so with the increase in immigrants fleeing from the NAZI. By 1937, the Jewish population had increased to 400,000. The British were caught in between it's pledge to the Jews and Arab oil and strategic interest. Some ships had to be turned back e.g.Exodus where everyone were killed after returning to Germany. Many others arrived illegally thus fanning the Arabs' restiveness which erupted into bitter fighting in 1947. The UN's proposal on this issue was-partition- Jew get 55% of the land which were occupied by 58% Jews and Arabs get 45% of the land which had about 99% Arab occupation. Jerusalem to be held as trustee. Plan was not accepted by the Arabs.
US Position - Truman needed Jewish votes in 1948 election.
Russia's Position - Partitian was a way to rid British from Middle East, to play Arabs against Jews and keep US at arm's length.
So the fate of Zionism was in the hands of remote nations such as Liberia, Haiti,Phillippines and Ethiopia. Zionist persuaded US to pressure these nations. The resultant vote was 30:31 in favour of partition.
Violent clashes erupted.
Arab perception: To Preserve Palestine as a united independent state and therefore prevent the formation of of a Jewish state within Palestine.
Jewish perception:To avoid Arabs' menace, boundries should now NOT be limited to those assighed by UN. They could seize and hold by force of arms. The war will give them the right to what they want.
In April 1948, Jewish extremist massacred Deir Yassin, a small village near Jerusalem- this later became a stain on the conscience of the Jewish state. It elicit demands for revenge and retribution and it became the symbol of the homelessness of hundreds and thousands of Arab refugees. Mass exodus of terrified Arabs from Jewish controlled areas began.
May 14, before the end of British mandate in Middle East, the jews self proclaimed the State of Israel. Of course US and Russia recognised it soon after.
May 15, Egypt invaded from the South, Transjordan Arab Legion from the east and Syria and Lebanon from the north.
It is also necessary to note that the Jews construed that for imperialistic interests, however, in 1921 Great Britain reneged on the Belfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised and set up the Arab Emirate of Transjordan. Then in 1922 the League of Nations gave Great Britain a Mandate to prepare the remaining 23 percent of Palestine for a Jewish National Home. But under French pressure, in 1923 the Golan Heights was ceded by the British to the French mandate of Syria.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
"Songkang-sungkit" or Tik-tok is a traditional children's game in Malaysia.
Number of Players
The game requires a minimum of two(2) players.
Need two(2) pieces of sticks approximately 1cm - 2cm thick, one (1) 30cm long (long stick) and another 15cm (short stick)
As this game is usually played by children in the villages/kampongs, twigs are usually used.
Preparation of Play Area
The game is played in an open area or field. At the edge of the area, prepare a hole in the ground about 15cm long ...kind of "V" shaped such that when the short stick is placed across the hole, you can use the long stick to flick it away up front. The depth of the hole is to be such that when you place one end of the short stick with the other end above the ground, and when you hit the end above the ground with the long stick, it can raise up in the air.
Draw a line about 1/3m in front of the hole to demarcate between the playing and fielding side.
Begin The Game
Divide players into two teams. The team leader will compete who can push the small stick further, to decide on which team is to play first. The other team will then field first.
The Play
Team players will take turns to play the following movements until they are either "caught" or "out"
1st Movement: The short stick is places acrossed the hole and with the long stick, push it as far as possible.
2nd Movement : Stand at the line, holding up the short hit it with the long stick in the other hand as far as you can.
3rd Movement : Stand at the line, holding both sticks in the same hand, throw up the short stick and hit it with the long stick as far as you can.
4th Movement : Place one end of the short stick in the hole with the other end above the ground. With the long stick hit the end of the short stick above the ground so that it flicks up into the air and then hit it with the long stick as far as you can.
At each movement, fielders will try to catch the short stick. As such, player must direct the short stick away from the fielders. If it is caught, the player is "out"
If the short stick falls to the ground, the player is to place down the long stick on the hole while the fielder nearest the fallen short stick will make a throw of the short stick towards the long stick. If the short stick falls and touches the long stick, the player is "out". Otherwise the distant between the short stick and the hole is measured with the long stick. The measure is totalled up and becomes the score for the team.
When all players in the team is out, the two teams will trade places
The Winner
The team with the higher score wins.
Number of Players
The game requires a minimum of two(2) players.
Need two(2) pieces of sticks approximately 1cm - 2cm thick, one (1) 30cm long (long stick) and another 15cm (short stick)
As this game is usually played by children in the villages/kampongs, twigs are usually used.
Preparation of Play Area
The game is played in an open area or field. At the edge of the area, prepare a hole in the ground about 15cm long ...kind of "V" shaped such that when the short stick is placed across the hole, you can use the long stick to flick it away up front. The depth of the hole is to be such that when you place one end of the short stick with the other end above the ground, and when you hit the end above the ground with the long stick, it can raise up in the air.
Draw a line about 1/3m in front of the hole to demarcate between the playing and fielding side.
Begin The Game
Divide players into two teams. The team leader will compete who can push the small stick further, to decide on which team is to play first. The other team will then field first.
The Play
Team players will take turns to play the following movements until they are either "caught" or "out"
1st Movement: The short stick is places acrossed the hole and with the long stick, push it as far as possible.
2nd Movement : Stand at the line, holding up the short hit it with the long stick in the other hand as far as you can.
3rd Movement : Stand at the line, holding both sticks in the same hand, throw up the short stick and hit it with the long stick as far as you can.
4th Movement : Place one end of the short stick in the hole with the other end above the ground. With the long stick hit the end of the short stick above the ground so that it flicks up into the air and then hit it with the long stick as far as you can.
At each movement, fielders will try to catch the short stick. As such, player must direct the short stick away from the fielders. If it is caught, the player is "out"
If the short stick falls to the ground, the player is to place down the long stick on the hole while the fielder nearest the fallen short stick will make a throw of the short stick towards the long stick. If the short stick falls and touches the long stick, the player is "out". Otherwise the distant between the short stick and the hole is measured with the long stick. The measure is totalled up and becomes the score for the team.
When all players in the team is out, the two teams will trade places
The Winner
The team with the higher score wins.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Case Of The Evil Wind
At the end of the third millennium B.C. the great Sumerian civilization came to an abrupt end. Its sudden demise was bewailed in numerous lamentation texts that have been discovered by archeologists. The texts ascribed the calamity to an Evil Wind that came blowing from the west (from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea) -- a deathly cloud that caused excruciating death to all living beings, people and animals alike, that withered plants and poisoned the waters.
In The Wars of Gods and Men (third book of The Earth Chronicles series), Zecharia Sitchin saw an explanation of the sudden death in a long text known to scholars as The Erra Epos, that described a chain of events that ultimately led to the use of “Weapons of Terror” in a conflict between opposing clans of the Anunnaki ("Those who from Heaven to Earth came").
Based on the descriptions of the weapons in the Erra Epos and in the lamentation texts, Zecharia Sitchin concluded that the Weapons of Terror were nuclear weapons. Used to obliterate the spaceport that then existed in the Sinai Peninsula (and some “sinning cities” such as Sodom and Gomorrah), the nuclear cloud then was carried by the prevailing winds eastward, causing death and desolation in the Lands Between the Rivers (Mesopotamia) -- the empire of Sumer and Akkad.
Besides claiming that nuclear weapons were first used on Earth not in the 1940’s in Hiroshima but thousands of years earlier in the Near East, Zecharia also pinpointed the date: 2024 B.C.!
Scientific Corroboration Now Comes Along
That the civilization that sprang out in Sumer circa 3800 B.C. – reaching unparalleled heights under the last dynasty, the Third Dynasty of Ur (Abraham’s city) -- had come to an abrupt end near the end of the third millennium B.C. has been an accepted and well documented fact. That the end was abrupt, was also certain. What scholars deemed as still lacking was an explanation: How, what caused it?
Beginning in 1999, archaeologists and scholars specializing in the Near East saw mounting evidence that the demise of Sumer and Akkad (Sumer’s northern extension) coincided with an abrupt climate change. An initial study by Harvey Weiss and Timothy C. Wieskel of Harvard University was reinforced by a subsequent study (Geology, April 2000) by H.M. Cullen et al from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, the University of Utah, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the Institute fÜr Geowissenschaften, Germany. Based on studies of unexplained aridity and wind-blown dust storms and radiocarbon datings, they reported that their readings indicated a date of 4025 years ago (plus or minus a margin of 125 years).
A precise date corroborated!
Those and similar climate-change studies, relating the climate conditions to the rise and fall of civilizations in the Old as well as the New Worlds, were summed up in a major study published in the prestigious journal Science in its 27 April 2001 issue. Authored by Peter B. deMenocal of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, the study paid particular attention to sedimentary remains of Tephra; the telltale rock fragments confirmed the date 4025 Years Before Present.
And 4025 years, before the present year A.D. 2001 -- is exactly 2024 B.C., as Zecharia Sitchin had determined in his 1985 book!
The Tephra Mystery
The reliance of this latest study on the Tephra evidence is doubly significant.
While the previous studies spoke of “wind blown dust,” this latest study focuses on a material called Tephra. And what is Tephra? It is defined in geology textbooks thus:
When a volcano erupts, it will sometimes eject material such as rock fragments into the atmosphere. This material is known as Tephra.
These burnt-through pieces of blackened gravel-like rock mostly fall near their volcanic source; but ashlike particles can be carried by prevailing winds over many miles and can stay aloft for more than a year.
The area in the Sinai Peninsula where the destroyed spaceport had been is indeed covered -- to this day! -- with gravelike burnt-through blackened stones (for photo evidence see illustrations 105, 106, & 107 in The Wars of Gods and Men). But as Zecharia has pointed out in his book; there are NO VOLCANOES in the Sinai Peninsula. In the Sinai Peninsula, the source of the wind-carried dust remains a mystery.
And the only explanation for these broken and blackened stones in the Sinai and the windblown desolation in Mesopotamia can be the tale of the Erra Epos, (reflected in the biblical tale of the upheaval of Sodom and Gomorrah): not an eruption by a non-existent volcano, but the use of nuclear weapons in 2024 B.C.
In The Wars of Gods and Men (third book of The Earth Chronicles series), Zecharia Sitchin saw an explanation of the sudden death in a long text known to scholars as The Erra Epos, that described a chain of events that ultimately led to the use of “Weapons of Terror” in a conflict between opposing clans of the Anunnaki ("Those who from Heaven to Earth came").
Based on the descriptions of the weapons in the Erra Epos and in the lamentation texts, Zecharia Sitchin concluded that the Weapons of Terror were nuclear weapons. Used to obliterate the spaceport that then existed in the Sinai Peninsula (and some “sinning cities” such as Sodom and Gomorrah), the nuclear cloud then was carried by the prevailing winds eastward, causing death and desolation in the Lands Between the Rivers (Mesopotamia) -- the empire of Sumer and Akkad.
Besides claiming that nuclear weapons were first used on Earth not in the 1940’s in Hiroshima but thousands of years earlier in the Near East, Zecharia also pinpointed the date: 2024 B.C.!
Scientific Corroboration Now Comes Along
That the civilization that sprang out in Sumer circa 3800 B.C. – reaching unparalleled heights under the last dynasty, the Third Dynasty of Ur (Abraham’s city) -- had come to an abrupt end near the end of the third millennium B.C. has been an accepted and well documented fact. That the end was abrupt, was also certain. What scholars deemed as still lacking was an explanation: How, what caused it?
Beginning in 1999, archaeologists and scholars specializing in the Near East saw mounting evidence that the demise of Sumer and Akkad (Sumer’s northern extension) coincided with an abrupt climate change. An initial study by Harvey Weiss and Timothy C. Wieskel of Harvard University was reinforced by a subsequent study (Geology, April 2000) by H.M. Cullen et al from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, the University of Utah, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the Institute fÜr Geowissenschaften, Germany. Based on studies of unexplained aridity and wind-blown dust storms and radiocarbon datings, they reported that their readings indicated a date of 4025 years ago (plus or minus a margin of 125 years).
A precise date corroborated!
Those and similar climate-change studies, relating the climate conditions to the rise and fall of civilizations in the Old as well as the New Worlds, were summed up in a major study published in the prestigious journal Science in its 27 April 2001 issue. Authored by Peter B. deMenocal of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, the study paid particular attention to sedimentary remains of Tephra; the telltale rock fragments confirmed the date 4025 Years Before Present.
And 4025 years, before the present year A.D. 2001 -- is exactly 2024 B.C., as Zecharia Sitchin had determined in his 1985 book!
The Tephra Mystery
The reliance of this latest study on the Tephra evidence is doubly significant.
While the previous studies spoke of “wind blown dust,” this latest study focuses on a material called Tephra. And what is Tephra? It is defined in geology textbooks thus:
When a volcano erupts, it will sometimes eject material such as rock fragments into the atmosphere. This material is known as Tephra.
These burnt-through pieces of blackened gravel-like rock mostly fall near their volcanic source; but ashlike particles can be carried by prevailing winds over many miles and can stay aloft for more than a year.
The area in the Sinai Peninsula where the destroyed spaceport had been is indeed covered -- to this day! -- with gravelike burnt-through blackened stones (for photo evidence see illustrations 105, 106, & 107 in The Wars of Gods and Men). But as Zecharia has pointed out in his book; there are NO VOLCANOES in the Sinai Peninsula. In the Sinai Peninsula, the source of the wind-carried dust remains a mystery.
And the only explanation for these broken and blackened stones in the Sinai and the windblown desolation in Mesopotamia can be the tale of the Erra Epos, (reflected in the biblical tale of the upheaval of Sodom and Gomorrah): not an eruption by a non-existent volcano, but the use of nuclear weapons in 2024 B.C.
Asteroid Eros
Eros, potato-shaped and about 21 miles long, is one of countless bits and pieces of planetary matter that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, collectively called the Asteroid Belt. One theory is that these are remains from the time when primordial matter around the Sun coalesced into planets, but these bits and pieces failed to do so. Another theory is that these are remains of a planet that did form there, but that it somehow broke up; the inability to explain how or why it broke up has been the reason why this theory has not been embraced by scientists.
So, to learn more about the origin of the asteroids, NASA launched NEAR four years earlier on February 17, 1996 for the purpose of reaching and going into continuous orbit around the asteroid named Eros; this was successfully achieved on St. Valentine's Day, February 14, 2000.
And the first findings. reported at a news conference on Friday February 17th, 2000 corroborated an ancient cosmogony pieced together by Sitchin.
“Eros has an ancient, heavily cratered surface," reported Dr. Andrew Cheng, chief project scientist. "There are also tantalizing hints that it has a layered structure, as if it were made up of layers, like plywood."
"Such stratified features", Dr. Cheng explained, "could occur if the asteroid was melted while it was part of a planet "(quoted by Associated Press Science News, 2/18/00)
So, to learn more about the origin of the asteroids, NASA launched NEAR four years earlier on February 17, 1996 for the purpose of reaching and going into continuous orbit around the asteroid named Eros; this was successfully achieved on St. Valentine's Day, February 14, 2000.
And the first findings. reported at a news conference on Friday February 17th, 2000 corroborated an ancient cosmogony pieced together by Sitchin.
“Eros has an ancient, heavily cratered surface," reported Dr. Andrew Cheng, chief project scientist. "There are also tantalizing hints that it has a layered structure, as if it were made up of layers, like plywood."
"Such stratified features", Dr. Cheng explained, "could occur if the asteroid was melted while it was part of a planet "(quoted by Associated Press Science News, 2/18/00)
The Sumerian Flood
The return of Nibiru to Earth's proximity was expected by the Anunnakis as severe climatic changes began to happen. As they plan their evacuation, the information leaked out to one Utnapishtim son of Ubar-Tutu by one of the leaders called Enki. According to Sumerian texts, Enki also instructed Utnapishtim to build an ark including the use of readily available bitumen as water proofing. He also instructed Utnapishtim to take the "seed" of every living things......
The texts made it clear that the floods was not the result of heavy rains. It was described as darkness, followed by colossal winds of increasing intensity destroying buildings and ditches such that it was equivalent to the passage of a large planetary body. One theory of the flood was that the gravitational forces caused by the passsing Nibiru had caused the Antarctic ice sheet which was already unstable due to the end of the last ice age. Till today most of original Anunnaki cities in Mesopotamia are still under water near the mouth of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.
The Sumerian version had it that it all went calm after six days and nights. History has it that there was sudden absence of a large human population about 10,000 years ago . The Anunnakis returned. Together with the surviving humans they went on to rebuild................
There were three critical phases in human development:
About 11,00BC it was farming, 7,500BC it was prehistoric culture and 3,600BC it was civilization.The period of 3,600 years was equivalent to Nibiru's orbit.
The texts made it clear that the floods was not the result of heavy rains. It was described as darkness, followed by colossal winds of increasing intensity destroying buildings and ditches such that it was equivalent to the passage of a large planetary body. One theory of the flood was that the gravitational forces caused by the passsing Nibiru had caused the Antarctic ice sheet which was already unstable due to the end of the last ice age. Till today most of original Anunnaki cities in Mesopotamia are still under water near the mouth of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.
The Sumerian version had it that it all went calm after six days and nights. History has it that there was sudden absence of a large human population about 10,000 years ago . The Anunnakis returned. Together with the surviving humans they went on to rebuild................
There were three critical phases in human development:
About 11,00BC it was farming, 7,500BC it was prehistoric culture and 3,600BC it was civilization.The period of 3,600 years was equivalent to Nibiru's orbit.
The Case of The Prophet Idris
Islamic traditions has it that Idris or Enoch of the Bible, studied astronomy, physics, arithmetic and was first to use a pen.
He was said to be a 5th generation of Adam and the grandfather of Nuh(Noah) and lived around 3284-3017BC which was indeed during the times of civilization.
Commentators have argued about Idris being Enoch. However, if they were indeed the same, please read on.....
Mediaeval Masonry had it that Enoch inscribed the Heavenly Wisdom. The knowledge was given to him by Fallen Angels. However, from another source, Enoch was visited by two exceedingly big men, angels Sanuil and Raguil, whose shining faces were like the sun with bright wings and white hands. They took Enoch up to heaven for 60 days where he saw many things in the various levels of heaven. They seated before God, he was asked to write 360-366(?) books which were to be handed to his sons .
Then in 1948, copies of Book of Enoch(in Aramic) were discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It tells of "wicked angles who abducted and mated with human women hence producing a hybrid race known as Nephilim". They(wicked angles) had taught mankind to make arms (to fight), astrology, medicine, viewing of stars etc... Some of the knowledge were to lead mankind to destroy themselves.
It is noted that the pre Nuh(Noah ) humans had long lifespan e.g. Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Enoch and Methuselah. Sumerian texts place humans to be about 450,000 years ago. However, if the Biblical years are adjusted by multiplying the ages by 100 we get 165,000 years which would bring us to the time of the Flood!
(Will cerita about the Flood later).
The question then is who was Adam, the first human?
A Mesopotamian colony was called E.DIN. Could it be the biblical Eden? To cut a long story short, the Sumerian account has it that genetic manipulation by the Anunnaki had produced many mutated creatures like lions with human heads, wingged animals, humanoids with head and feet of goats etc which might have been the basis of mythical creatures which we have come to know.
Creation of the first man was LU.LU or Adama in Hebrew which means "man on Earth" . Unfortunately, Sumerian texts on details of how this was done had been lost. But then we have now heard of cloning!
He was said to be a 5th generation of Adam and the grandfather of Nuh(Noah) and lived around 3284-3017BC which was indeed during the times of civilization.
Commentators have argued about Idris being Enoch. However, if they were indeed the same, please read on.....
Mediaeval Masonry had it that Enoch inscribed the Heavenly Wisdom. The knowledge was given to him by Fallen Angels. However, from another source, Enoch was visited by two exceedingly big men, angels Sanuil and Raguil, whose shining faces were like the sun with bright wings and white hands. They took Enoch up to heaven for 60 days where he saw many things in the various levels of heaven. They seated before God, he was asked to write 360-366(?) books which were to be handed to his sons .
Then in 1948, copies of Book of Enoch(in Aramic) were discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It tells of "wicked angles who abducted and mated with human women hence producing a hybrid race known as Nephilim". They(wicked angles) had taught mankind to make arms (to fight), astrology, medicine, viewing of stars etc... Some of the knowledge were to lead mankind to destroy themselves.
It is noted that the pre Nuh(Noah ) humans had long lifespan e.g. Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Enoch and Methuselah. Sumerian texts place humans to be about 450,000 years ago. However, if the Biblical years are adjusted by multiplying the ages by 100 we get 165,000 years which would bring us to the time of the Flood!
(Will cerita about the Flood later).
The question then is who was Adam, the first human?
A Mesopotamian colony was called E.DIN. Could it be the biblical Eden? To cut a long story short, the Sumerian account has it that genetic manipulation by the Anunnaki had produced many mutated creatures like lions with human heads, wingged animals, humanoids with head and feet of goats etc which might have been the basis of mythical creatures which we have come to know.
Creation of the first man was LU.LU or Adama in Hebrew which means "man on Earth" . Unfortunately, Sumerian texts on details of how this was done had been lost. But then we have now heard of cloning!
Have You Ever Wondered
Have you ever wondered why when a person enters a room and switches on the light or fan, he forgets to switch them off before he leaves the room. On occasions, he says he intends to return to the room again later which may be say 2 or 3 hours later!
In my opinion is this person is not a finisher. He rarely gets the job done. This dude has an attitude.
Have you ever wondered why when a person says "Yes" out loud to a certain "job" to be done, it doesn't get done days on ends, come weeks come months. Any amount of reminder does not get him to even start. "It's all in my head" he says. What follows are every possible excuse to have not get started.
In my opinion this person has a problem on how to handle the "job" but does not want to admit it to save face.
Have you ever wondered, the louder a person sounds or stronger a person looks, almost ready to do battle, he is really hiding his little self behind his so called "fortress"
In my opinion is this person is not a finisher. He rarely gets the job done. This dude has an attitude.
Have you ever wondered why when a person says "Yes" out loud to a certain "job" to be done, it doesn't get done days on ends, come weeks come months. Any amount of reminder does not get him to even start. "It's all in my head" he says. What follows are every possible excuse to have not get started.
In my opinion this person has a problem on how to handle the "job" but does not want to admit it to save face.
Have you ever wondered, the louder a person sounds or stronger a person looks, almost ready to do battle, he is really hiding his little self behind his so called "fortress"
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
The world's deepest secret leads back to the first known civilization, to Sumer in Mesopotamia. It was situated between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. In biblical time it was known as Chaldea. Today it is Iraq.
Sumerian culture seemed to appear from nowhere more than 6,000 years ago and strangely vanished after 2,000 years. Only around 1843 did archeologists dIg out strange mounds dotting the countryside of southern Iraq. There were buried cities, broken palaces, artifacts and thousands of clay tablets detailing every part of Sumerian life. One discovery was that of Sargon II's palace. The tablets were etched in cuneiform and as translation of the the tablets were made it revealed how much we owe our geometry, modern time-keeping (base-60 mathematical system) and modern zodiac to Sumerian origin or creation. They also charted out the Earth's 12 months orbit of the Sun and the great processional cycle now known as the Plutonian Year which takes 25,920 years to complete.
Scientists questionned how could a civilization of 2,000 years possibly had observed and recorded celestial cycle that took 25,920 years to complete.
From translation of the tablets, inscribed seals etc. the answer was simply - everything they achieved came from their gods whom they called Anunnaki which means "those who came to Earth from heaven". Accordingly, they could also soar heavenwards at will. (Ref: Zecharia Sitchin) Sitchin is a researcher of ancient civilization and biblical archaeologist. He is Russian and is educated in Palestine and London. Sitchin's explanation was never given credibility then. However, based on his translation, many authors now have more detailed understanding of the Anunnakis. (Ref: Code of Hammurabbi unearthed in 1902).
When the Semites entered Mesopotamia, The Sumerians were long gone. It is said that when the Semites adopted cuneiform system, they also borrowed many Sumerian stories but changed the "mythological" accounts to fit their own religious system. The most famous stories are the Creation Story and the Epic of Gilgamesh (A Great Flood). Gilgamesh was a powerful Sumerian king. If we take the Sumerian Creation Story at face value, it goes like this:
About 4 billion years ago, planet Nibiru, entered our system just missing a larger planet Tiamat, which cracked due to gravitational stresses. Nibiru was depicted as the 12th planet of our solar system and was about 3 times the size of Earth. US scientists have been theorizing the existence of a 10th planet beyond Pluto based on sightings and studies of irregularities in the orbit of Pluto indicating an additional solar body. Amazingly, the Sumerians counted the Sun and Moon as planets. More amazingly, at the time they were just developing their writing, they had accurately described and diagramed the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto when these planets cannot be seen without the aid of a telescope. Uranus became known to modern man only in 1781, Pluto in 1930 and Neptune in 1946.
At a subsequent pass by Nibiru, Tiamat was struck and then bombarded by Nibiru's moon. Fragments of Tiamat that remained in it's original orbit became the asteroid belt. The other half of Tiamat was knocked into a new orbit nearer to the Sun. Over time it coalesced into Earth accompanied by one of Nibiru's moon (Kingu) and became our moon.
This somewhat explains why Earth is missing much of it's crust in the Pacific Ocean, the origin of the asteroid belt and the comets. The collission of the two planets caused many tons of seawater to be thrown into space. Sumerians called this "mingling of waters" and along with dirt and debries they became erratic flying balls of "dirty" ice.
The concept was strengthen by the discovery of meteorites in Antarctica containing same gases known to make up atmosphere of Mars as well as the discovery by NASA in 1996 of what looked like remains of micro organisms in a Martian meteorite thought to be 4 Billion years old!
Nibiru crossed the solar system between Mars and Jupiter and followed an elliptical orbit and was often symbolised as a "winged disc". While life on Earth is based on 1 year orbit around the Sun, on Nibiru an orbit round the Sun is equivalent to 3,600 years to Earthlings.
During Earth's 2nd Ice Age, 450,000 years ago, the people of Nibiru - the Anunnaki of Sumerian texts, landed on Earth when Earth and Nibiru were at proximity. Initial landings were on water as the US astronauts fist did. They found Mesopotamia as most suitable for a base camp compared to the Indus and Nile valleys for the easy access to fossil fuel. So began a systemic colonization of Earth. Their leaders assumed the role of "gods" or Nefilim which the Old Testament translated as "giants". The original meaning is "Those Who Were Cast Down". The Holman Bible Dictionary defines it (Nephilim) as "ancient heroes who are products of sexual union of heavenly beings and human women".
The marshes were drained. irrigation system were built and canals were built to link the Tigris and Euphrates, something the Sumerians became well known for.
A thousand years of earthtime was only a few years to the Anunnakis............
Monday, August 15, 2005
How To Take Care Of Your Liver
The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main causes.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.
We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to "schedule."
Evening at 9 - 11pm : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/toxic chemicals (de-toxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes).This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on health.
Evening at 11pm - 1am : is the de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 1 - 3am : de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 3 - 5am : de-toxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.
Morning 5 - 7am : de-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.
Morning 7 - 9am : absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 - 10am rather than no meal at all.
Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood. Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.
Well, I hope the above is of help to all.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Sinead O'Connor
Yeah, this lady is quite a character too! A little tale here........
She broke into the Irish pop scene at 21 years of age in 1988 with "Nothing Compares" as her best hit. She always kept her hair shaven but I have seen pictures of her with very short hair too..........much like Mawi AF's . She is most distinctive and controversial pop star of the 90s. An outspoken lady who speaks her mind. During a concert while singing "War" she cried out " Fight the real enemy!" and then ripped up a pix of the Pope. The audience was stunned and the NBC went to commercial. (The latter was eventually fined $2.5mil). She had actually changed a line in the song from denoting racial abuse to sexual abuse. The "act" was symbolic of the tearing of the church's secret shut up for decades.
Once she refused to sing at a concert if the US anthem were played. I never got any details as to why, but it made Frank Sinatra real mad and wanted to "kick her _ss". She also received a death threat from a pro-Israeli group while in Jerusalem. So she withdrew from performing at the so called peace festival there. She was ordained as a priest by an Irish Bishop who was from a splinter Catholic group. Of course the Vatican refused to recognise it. She retired from the music industry in 2003 to teach Catholicism to children. However, she returned in 2005 to perform but is now focusing on genres like gospel, chants and roots. She prefers to be known as Mother Bernadette Mary. So I think she may still keep her hair short or even shaven!
Monday, July 11, 2005
The Albigensian Crusade
The Cathars (Pure Ones) lived in S France. They were believed to be the forefathers of Italian and Scottish Carbonari. They were followers of Gnostics and were more committed to matters of spirit than material wealth and therefore considered their beliefs more "pure" than the Catholic Church. They refused to acknowledge the Pope's authority, were nonconformist and didn't see the need for appointed priest and richly adorned churches. All this posed a challenge to the Catholic Church who considered them heretics(12th century).
Legends abound that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife and that she and her offsprings found refuge in S France preserving the lineage through the Merovingian dynasty. Early Church was fearful of these descendants and hence Mary became negatively described in their books. Women were prohibited from teaching or becoming priests.(Studies have been made into private records of many European families to confirm the Merovingians relationship). Some people in S France associated with this legend, found the Crusades a convenient excuse to take the Holy Land and search for verifications of certain traditions which were counter to the church teachings and circulating in S France. In the Holy Land they stayed in the ruins of Solomon's Temple and apparently found the evidence they were looking for. Over time, they became known as heretics and blesphemers as an attempt to exterminate them. They were the Knights Templars and it is said that their traditions still live on today.
Back to the Cathars, after being proclaimed heretics by Philip ii at the insistence of Innocent iii, they were hunted down and exterminated ,almost completely. This became known as the Albigensian Crusade. The Cathars retreated to the foothills of the Pyrenees. Later Papal army besieged them at Montsegur, a fortress, for more than 10 months before they surrendered and gave themselves up to be burned. Their "treasure" though was said to have been carried out in the night before the surrender (1244). Survivors fled to neighboring countries like Italy. Those remaining became isolated and poor due to the methodical persuit of the church, the Inquisition.
Meanwhile, the Templars had became very rich and powerful much to the envy of King Philip iv and fear of Pope Clement v. So he crushed them (1307).
Legends abound that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife and that she and her offsprings found refuge in S France preserving the lineage through the Merovingian dynasty. Early Church was fearful of these descendants and hence Mary became negatively described in their books. Women were prohibited from teaching or becoming priests.(Studies have been made into private records of many European families to confirm the Merovingians relationship). Some people in S France associated with this legend, found the Crusades a convenient excuse to take the Holy Land and search for verifications of certain traditions which were counter to the church teachings and circulating in S France. In the Holy Land they stayed in the ruins of Solomon's Temple and apparently found the evidence they were looking for. Over time, they became known as heretics and blesphemers as an attempt to exterminate them. They were the Knights Templars and it is said that their traditions still live on today.
Back to the Cathars, after being proclaimed heretics by Philip ii at the insistence of Innocent iii, they were hunted down and exterminated ,almost completely. This became known as the Albigensian Crusade. The Cathars retreated to the foothills of the Pyrenees. Later Papal army besieged them at Montsegur, a fortress, for more than 10 months before they surrendered and gave themselves up to be burned. Their "treasure" though was said to have been carried out in the night before the surrender (1244). Survivors fled to neighboring countries like Italy. Those remaining became isolated and poor due to the methodical persuit of the church, the Inquisition.
Meanwhile, the Templars had became very rich and powerful much to the envy of King Philip iv and fear of Pope Clement v. So he crushed them (1307).
Saturday, July 09, 2005
The Apple Of My Eye
My first grandchild.
Name: Anyssa Farhana Bte Aswat
Date Of Birth: 11th January, 2004
Here she is on her first visit to the Zoo.
Here she is on her first visit to the Zoo.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Our Daughter's Wedding Preparation
The epitome in a mother's life is to see her daughter getting married. I have never imagined how it would feel nor did I have any plausible reference. The one thing I wanted was for her to be able to look back to this day and be thankful for the love and support of her parents. I wanted her to be happy in her new life .............
A Malay wedding is usually done in three sessions : the solemnization, the bride's reception and the groom's reception. By the grace of God, I had just retired and had plenty of time for the preparation. I had also spent some time looking up magazines and just window shopping to see what's in the market these days as I would be doing this for the first time in my life.
May 3rd and 4th, 2003 had been selected months ago. it was now five months to go. The family council had been convened. As we were not doing it in the village, there was no need for the presence of the "buapak", a traditional clan leader. My elder brother headed the meeting. He had suggested that we hold the ceremony at home as our compound was ample.
We had just completed some renovations to the house, adding a small library where the back verandah was, a "wet" kitchen extension where the kitchen verandah was, an additional porch in front of the house, an auto gate system and re-tiling the porches and driveway. All that had taken almost three months. Now, more planning were yet to begin.
My hubby and I had agreed that I was to be responsible for planning the wedding reception while he would take care of the solemnization of the marriage. Call it partioning of responsibility if you may least we step on each other's toes! I would still review my plans with him for mutual information. Our daughter's wedding would be the first of her generation on our maternal side and being our only daughter, we wished to make it a memorable occasion. My hubby need not start his part until about 2 months before the wedding date. I needed to start planning my part without further delay. So I set out to prepare a checklist. It was then that I realised how much more work was in store! It goes to show how important it is to always have a checklist. Mine looked like this:
1. Library - need 3 more cabinets for the books.
2. Laundry/miscellaneous room - cabinets for the china to be ordered.
3. Driveway - cracked tiles to be replaced. Culvert to be mended.
4. Fountain - Terra Gardens to change broken board holding the stones and do cleaning of the water element.
5. Old Stuff - fridge, steel cabinet, table and rack to be disposed of. To call the local authority.
6. Repainting required - guest room, stairway, garden wall and kitchen. I personally repainted the guest room while I had help for the other areas.
7. Wedding eggs (bunga telor), potpourri and sweets for guests. We would need about 200 egg holders and 1000 potpourri cases. An order was placed with Idani Craft. Delivery was to be in two months time i.e. two months before the wedding. The eggs would be supplied by my sister-in-law as her contribution. That was very sweet of her. As for sweets, an order was made with Ferntea Malaysia S/B for Barnsberry Chocolate and another order through our local grocer for Ecclers.
8. Gifts for bridegroom and trays. All in all, there would be 11 trays and the gifts would consist of shoes, shirt, tie, toiletries, traditionally weaved sarong songket, belt; wallet, Quran, cake, potpourri, fruits, chocolates, traditional betel leaves ensemble sireh junjung. My cousin would assist in the preparation. The sireh junjung would be order through an expert at the local Shah Alam Market. A few more brass stands would be needed. We bought them in Kelang. I did the beading on the covers myself and it took me over a month to complete.
9. New curtain railings - for wet kitchen, library and bridal room (double tracked). I sewed the curtains for the kitchen and library myself.
10. Wedding eggs(bunga telor) for the wedding dias (pelamin). I would require about 250 eggs for this. I bought the cases and the stands from Segamat. They were supposed to be much cheaper there. Well, considering the trip back to Segamat....I didn't think it made any difference though except that we had the opportunity for my sister-in-law to be involved which she gladly did. Thanks Kak Me. The eggs would be supplied by my other sister-in-law.
11. Caterers, menu, serving arrangement. As we did not want the usual buffet serving, the caterers were to ensure enough assistants in the serving area.
12. Event Manager. Being a member of Golden Escapade Club, we have the privilege to one FOC. He was also able to provide additional services under their wedding package. This was indeed a great help.
13. Canopies, tables, chairs, sitting arrangement. This was undertaken by the event manager to organise. We wanted the chair covers and bows for the all the chairs. No exceptions.
14. Bridal bedroom - bed, curtains and decor. This was also undertaken by the event manager to organise.
15. Wedding dias, bridal makeup artist and trousseau. We obtained the service of Zurayz Bridal, Shah Alam. Their package #2 consist of the wedding dias (pelamin) with fresh flowers, 2 makeup sessions, bersanding set, 4 sets of new costumes with accessories and shoes, bouquet and 12 potpourri for the main table FOC.
16. Guests list. We had to start compiling the names and addresses of guests. My mum helped out to ensure those relatives she remembered were included. I had the assistance of cousin Kamal to deliver the invitation cards later to those in Masjid Tanah, my late dad's hometown.
17. Invitation cards - for the solemnization ceremony (akad nikah) to be held in the evening and the wedding reception was to be held on the next day. We found an outlet at Alam Sentral, Shah Alam that sold cards designed in Syria that I liked.
18. Traditional kompang drums group . This was undertaken by the Event Manager to organise.
19. Traditional silat martial art group. This was also undertaken by the Event Manager to organise.
20. Band and DJ. This was also undertaken by the Event Manager to organise.
Andre Goh Belting Out
21. Guest singer. I had wanted a singer who could sing traditional Malay songs, Andre Goh. This was undertaken by the Event Manager to organise.
22. Henna application. This would be done by the manageress who handled the canopies and decor for the bridal room as she was also a traditional bridal makeup artist, Mak Andam.
23. Placards . This was undertaken by the Event Manager. My son would show him the places to put them up later.
24. Cameraman. This was undertaken by the Event Manager to organise.
25. Trousseau for the ceremony at the bridegroom's place. For fitting convenience we decided to have it prepared in Shah Alam by Zurays Bridal. A light green theme was selected.
We selected peach as the theme colour.
Two months to go and the invitation cards were mailed. My hubby still had not gotten his guests list done up yet. This would prove to be the most annoying thing. Later, he gave me his business cards collection for me to handle.
My hubby had to make the necessary application to the Kadi, the religious official Approval from the Kadi at the groom's hometown also had to be obtain by the groom. Meanwhile, both the couple had completed their compulsory marriage classes.
One month before the wedding, my elder brother called for another family meeting (berkampung). My brothers, cousins, a couple of neighbours and close friends and their spouses attended to discuss the wedding and the assignment of duties and the following main issues were discussed:
1. Ushers.
2. Overseeing of food served.
3. Bridesmaid/flower girls and page boys.
4. Girls to distribute gifts/eggs and boys to carry the bunga manggar, which was a pair of poles with decorations at the top carried to accompany the bridegroom when he and his entourage make their way to the bride's house.
5. Steaming of eggs.
6. Preparation of potpourri for the guests.
7.Rest place for the bridegroom's entourage before the solemnisation ceremony and reception. My front neighbour had kindly offered their place.
8. A popular request to include a traditional poetry (pantun) reading session. So two ladies were selected to represent our side. They would also draft the pantuns for review and final approval.
9. Who would pick up the Kadi.
10.Entourage to the bridegroom's house (bertandang) in Alor Star, Kedah. As we would have to stay overnight, accommodation would have to be looked into.
After the meeting each of my cousins and sis-in-law took along the potpourri, cases, net material, egg stands, wires, ribbons, flowers etc. to help do them up. The finished products were collected within a couple of weeks all neatly arranged in boxes.
Two weeks before the wedding, my cousin came to help prepare the gifts for the bridegroom.
I am sorry if the above sounds like a runaway train......! It was business after all!
There were more stuff to do as the wedding day approached. Rest assured that I am thankful to many relatives and the children who had pitched in during the wedding.
The wedding, as it turned out was indeed something I couldn't forget. A few days after that, I had to rush my mum to the hospital where she expired on 7th May, 2003. Again I had to summon my energy to handle the burial formalities for the first time in my life. God had His way of making things unforgettable. I will not try to rationalise that.................but accept it as something lost, something gained. That was her last picture up there blessing her grand daughter and her new grand son-in-law. May God bless her.
Updated : 16th July, 2010
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