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Friday, June 18, 2010

Is Reboiled Water Harmful?

A recent email from a friend reminded me of the frequent exchange of comments I have had with my hubby over reboiling of water for his cuppa. My reasoning is the boiled water can better serve by being chilled in the fridge for use as drinking water or refilling the ice trays. It may also be kept in a container should anyone prefer drinking water at room temperature. If you need hot water for making coffee or tea, boil a fresh kettle. 

We have been filtering  the tap water and then boiling it for our drinking water. The balance of water from the boil is often saved and cooled before refilling the ice trays and water bottles in the fridge. Reboiling  boiled water to attain the right temperature for making a drink is in my opinion  simply a matter of attitude.

The email purported that a report in a Chinese newspaper said that a TOP harmful chemical named (Toxic Nitrate) was produced in water when keep boiling it!! This harmful substance had been proved will increase the chances of intestines cancer and stomach cancer. 

The article cited the use of 'WATER DISPENSER with WARM  /  HOT WATER Functions' or 'Electric AUTO keep warm Thermos' which in effect repeatedly boils the water.

I am a bit baffled as I know water is water no matter how many times you boil it unless the water is already contaminated. Nitrate from fertilizers for example, may be contained in ground water. So boiling and reboiling water already contaminated with nitrate is something we want to avoid. As our water supply comes from the tap, I take it, it is safe.......


Pak Idrus said...

We have been boiling tap water, cool it down and put in the frig or just for drinking. To me it is as safe as a stream water and all those talk are simply rubbish.

Have a nice day.

Pak Idrus said...

Azimah, read this posting about water

Have a nice day.

MANDALAY said...

Thanks for the comment, Idrus. As a large part of our body is fluid, no wonder prayers or utterance of good words and intention often gives us a good feeling. The "air jampi" is not a foolish thing after all.

panzer g_force said...

Water that run our from your tap is not pure water. It dissolved a lot of heavy metal and chemicals during the process of transporting from water treatment plant to your house. The concentration of those harmful substance is so low that it will not make any effect to our body.

However, if you reboil water for several time, the concentration of harmful substance will increase until it cause severe effect to your body

MANDALAY said...

Many thanks, panzer. It does make sense. Like the case of heavy water....when we were in California we always threw away the end bit of the boiled water from the kettle.