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Monday, June 07, 2010


That's a lot to think about.....

My thoughts, Tuah's character is a true satria of the time...complete submission and loyalty to his lord and master. Perhaps this was the "extra" tutelage he had gotten during his sojourn with his guru. Remember, amongst the 5, he was supposed to have received something extra? Elsewhere in the story, I couldn't figure out any other difference. If Tuah would never be slayed  even by Tuah, how on earth was Tuah  supposed tohave  been killed on the order of the Sultan. Pretty confusing stuff. On the other hand Jebat was supposed to be slayable only with the Kris Taming Sari. I think believing in this borders to something unIslamic. As such I feel the whole episode on the tutelage is very likely part of the Malaynization of the legend. While he did have some character flaw he could still make a good soldier of today.

Jebat, on the other hand was more of a revolutionary. Loyal he was to his buddy. He saw the injustice and was torn asunder. I do believe T.S. Lanang may have wanted to put forward an ideology ahead of it's time then.

Nevertheless, both have their appeal to different mindsets. Mind you, a charismatic person need not be a good person.


Pak Idrus said...

Azimah, The Hang Tuah to me is a myth or they are some thugs send by the Chinese to Malacca to take care of their folks there.

MANDALAY said...

Perhaps we may never know who the real Tuah was. I would think T.S. Lanang must have based his writings on him. The various spin of the legend we are landed with now is I guess the result of the Malay story telling skills and creativity.

MonteCristo said...

I kind of agree with Pak Idrus comment.

MANDALAY said...

Thanks for your "vote", Thamrong. While my article is more about Tuah and Jebat, the characters, I was aware that it would attract conjectures on their origin. Distortions of historical facts never helped us. It appears that a DNA test on whatever remains of the Hangs had them to be of Chinese, Bugis, Javanese descent. Worst, Hang Tuah mausoleum never had any remains is just a symbolic site.

The claim that he was Javanese is also very interesting and "Hang" is not a name but a title.